1 December 2017
1 April 2018
1 January 2018
V. Kaminskas is a rector emeritus (2016) and honorary professor (2012) of Vytautas Magnus University. He has PhD (1972) and DrSc (1983) degrees in the field of technical cybernetics and information theory. In 1984 he was awarded the title of the professor. From 1991 he is a member of Lithuanian Academy of Science. His research interests are dynamic system modelling, identification and adaptive control. He is the author of 4 monographs and about 200 scientific papers of these topics.
E. Ščiglinskas is a PhD student. He graduated from the Faculty of Informatics of Vytautas Magnus University in BSc (2013) and MSc (2015). His research interests are signal processing and system modelling, virtual reality and multimedia systems and its application. He is the author of 3 scientific paper of these topics.