Volume 32, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 477–498
This work compares different algorithms to replace the genetic optimizer used in a recent methodology for creating realistic and computationally efficient neuron models. That method focuses on single-neuron processing and has been applied to cerebellar granule cells. It relies on the adaptive-exponential integrate-and-fire (AdEx) model, which must be adjusted with experimental data. The alternatives considered are: i) a memetic extension of the original genetic method, ii) Differential Evolution, iii) Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization, and iv) a local optimizer within a multi-start procedure. All of them ultimately outperform the original method, and the last two do it in all the scenarios considered.
AIP Conference Proceedings
N. C. Cruz, S. Salhi, J. L. Redondo, J. D. Álvarez, M. Berenguel, P. M. Ortigosa
Optical-thermal-mechanical analysis of high-temperature receiver integrated with gradually sparse biomimetic heliostat field layouts for the next-generation solar power tower