1 September 2022
1 October 2023
19 October 2023
S. Curila graduated in 1994 with the applied electronics specialization from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and received in 2000 his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Oradea, Romania (Compression of 3D polygonal models). He holds a university professor position at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of University of Oradea, Romania. His research interests include: pattern recognition, signal and image processing, programming languages.
M. Curila graduated in 1994 with the applied electronics specialization from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and in 1995 with the mathematics specialization from the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He received in 2003 his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Oradea, Romania. He holds a university professor position at the Department of Environmental Engineering of University of Oradea, Romania. His research interests include: virtual reality, signal and image processing, programming languages.
D. Curila (Popescu) graduated in 1995 with the mathematics specialization from the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is a PhD student at the Faculty of Informatics and Science, University of Oradea, Romania. She is currently a mathematics teacher at Dacia School, Oradea, Romania.
C. Grava is a senior member of IEEE. He received his PhD in electronics and telecommunications from the Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania, and in images and systems, from the National Institute of Applied Sciences from Lyon, France, in 2003. He is a professor at the University Oradea, Romania, a member of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications. His research interests include signal and image processing, modelling of complex systems and artificial intelligence.