Volume 7, Issue 4 (1996), pp. 419–430
Teaching of computer programming by electronic mail has been held in Lithuanian schools since 1992. School students of upper grades (8–12) took part in the experiments. The experiments showed that students cope better with first stages of programming (specifying the problem, etc.) than with the last ones (programming, debugging). The analysis of programming products (made by their peers) by students themselves may be expected to be an important component of learning and teaching.
The outcome of three year work is summarized and discussed. Observations and conclusions are presented. Distance teaching perspectives are discussed.
Volume 5, Issues 1-2 (1994), pp. 211–230
The paper deals with a simple model of the competition of two queuing systems, providing the same service. Each system may vary its service price and its service rate. The customers choose the system with less total service price, that depends on the waiting time and on the service price. The possibility for the existence of equilibrium is investigated. Simple cases are investigated analytically. It is shown that the Nash equilibrium exists in special cases only. A modification of the Stakelberg equilibrium is proposed as a model of competition with a prognosis. This prognosis helps form more stable prices and more stable strategies of competitors. The case of social economics is investigated, too. The dynamics of the competition of more realistic stochastic queuing systems is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. The simulative analysis is realized by means of a rule-based simulation system.
Volume 5, Issues 1-2 (1994), pp. 167–174
We consider here the optimization problems of simple competitive model. There are two servers providing the some service. Each server fix the price and the rate of service. The rate of service defines the customer losses waiting in line for the service. The customer go to the server with lesser total service cost. The total cost includes the service price plus waiting losses. A customer goes away, if the total cost exceeds some critical level. The flow of customers and the service time both are stochastic. There is no known analytical solution for this model. We get the results by Monte Carlo simulation. We get the analytical solution of the simplyfied model.
We use the model as an illustration to show the possibilities and limitations of optimization theory and numerical techniques in the competitive models.
We consider optimization in two different mathematical frameworks: the fixed point and the Lagrange multipliers. We consider two different economic and social objectives, too: the equilibrium and the social cost minimization.
We use the model teaching Operations Research. The simple model may help to design more realistic models describing the processes of competition.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1990), pp. 156–166
The role and goals of computer programming in the education of young people are discussed. The activity of the Lithuanian Young Programmers School by correspondence is described. Motivation of its curriculum and the way of teaching are given. Relations with the competitions of programmers and some other forms of teaching are considered.