The Evaluation and Design Methodology for Real Time Systems
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 45–62
Pub. online: 1 January 2004
Type: Research Article
1 August 2003
1 August 2003
1 January 2004
1 January 2004
Petri net variants are widely used as a real time systems modeling technique. Recently, UML activity diagrams have been used for the same purpose, even though the syntax and semantics of activity diagrams has not been yet fully worked out. Nevertheless, activity diagrams seem very similar to Petri net semantics. UML, being the industry standard as a common object oriented modeling language needs a well‐defined semantic base for its notation. Formalization of the graphical notation enables automated processing and analysis tasks. Petri nets can provide a formal semantic framework for the UML notations plus the behavioral modeling/analysis strength needed to system designers. This paper describes the methodology for creating the model of the RT application that would allow testing the correctness of the algorithm and the fulfillment of the time constraints at the design stage using UML and Petri Nets.