Volume 25, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 139–154
Trust is an important factor for successful e-commerce and e-media applications. However, these media inherently disable many ordinary communication channels and means, and affect trust forming factors. Therefore cyber environment requires additional support when it comes to trust. This is also one key reason why computational trust management methods are being developed now for some fifteen years, while another key reason is to enable better decision making through mathematical modeling and simulations in other areas. These methods are grounded on certain premises, which are analyzed in this paper. On this basis, Qualitative assessment dynamics (QAD for short) is presented that complements the above methods. As opposed to other methods, it is aligned with certain principles of human reasoning. Therefore it further extends the scope of other computational trust management technologies that are typically concerned with artificial ways of reasoning, while QAD gives a basis also for applications in ordinary environments where humans are involved. By using this methodology, experimental work will be presented, applied to the area of organizations and human factor management.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 521–532
This paper analyses the possibilities of integrating different technological and knowledge representation techniques for the development of a framework for the remote control of multiple agents such as wheelchair-type robots. Large-scale multi-dimensional recognitions of emotional diagnoses of disabled persons often generate a large amount of multi-dimensional data with complex recognition mechanisms, based on the integration of different knowledge representation techniques and complex inference models. The problem is to reveal the main components of a diagnosis as well as to construct flexible decision making models. Sensors can help record primary data for monitoring objects. However the recognition of abnormal situations, clustering of emotional stages and resolutions for certain types of diagnoses is an oncoming issue for bio-robot constructors. The prediction criteria of the diagnosis of the emotional situations of disabled persons are described using knowledge based model of Petri nets. The research results present the development of multi-layered framework architecture with the integration of artificial agents for diagnosis recognition and control of further actions. The method of extension of Petri nets is introduced in the reasoning modules of robots that work in real time. The framework provides movement support for disabled individuals. The fuzzy reasoning is described by using fuzzy logical Petri nets in order to define the physiological state of disabled individuals through recognizing their emotions during their different activities.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (1992), pp. 393–417
Some exceptional features of the dynamically changing environment require the additional means for qualitative knowledge representation, data verification and ensurance of operativity of decision making processes. The article considers the possibilities of integration the safequard methods for impartial multicriteria: decision making with the three levels of knowledge representation distinguished in the decision support system (DSS). The approach is to represent static and dynamic aspects of the target system and to reflect them in deep knowledge representation level. The means to formalize multiple objective decision making mechanisms is proposed. The examples developed during the designing stages of the ecological evaluation system for different enterprises demonstrate the results of using extended E-nets for modeling cognitive processes leading to decisions.