Cited by 15
Robust Optimization for Strategic Energy Planning

A robust optimisation approach for identifying multi-state collaborations to reduce CO2 emissions
Bayram Dundar, Ronald G. McGarvey, Francisco X. Aguilar
Journal:  Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume 70, Issue 4 (2019), p. 601
Accounting for techno-economic parameters uncertainties for robust design of remote microgrid
Amélia Nadal, Alain Ruby, Cyril Bourasseau, Delphine Riu, Christophe Berenguer
Journal:  International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Volume 116 (2020), p. 105531
Broad ranges of investment configurations for renewable power systems, robust to cost uncertainty and near-optimality
Fabian Neumann, Tom Brown
Journal:  iScience Volume 26, Issue 5 (2023), p. 106702
Comparison of alternative decision-making criteria in a two-stage stochastic program for the design of distributed energy systems under uncertainty
Georgios Mavromatidis, Kristina Orehounig, Jan Carmeliet
Journal:  Energy Volume 156 (2018), p. 709
Decision support for strategic energy planning: A robust optimization framework
Stefano Moret, Frédéric Babonneau, Michel Bierlaire, François Maréchal
Journal:  European Journal of Operational Research Volume 280, Issue 2 (2020), p. 539
Design of flexible energy systems for nearly/net zero energy buildings under uncertainty characteristics: A review
M.L. Lu, Y.J. Sun, G. Kokogiannakis, Z.J. Ma
Journal:  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 205 (2024), p. 114828
Development of an integrated infrastructure simulator for sustainable urban energy optimization and its application
Shinichi Inage, Yoshiyuki Uchino
Journal:  Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Volume 39 (2020), p. 100710
Bratislav Predić, Miloš Madić, Miloš Roganović, Darjan Karabašević, Dragiša Stanujkić
Journal:  Transport Volume 33, Issue 3 (2018), p. 751
Intersecting near-optimal spaces: European power systems with more resilience to weather variability
Aleksander Grochowicz, Koen van Greevenbroek, Fred Espen Benth, Marianne Zeyringer
Journal:  Energy Economics Volume 118 (2023), p. 106496
Investment Planning Methodology for Complex Urban Energy Systems Applied to a Hospital Site
Bastien Bornand, Luc Girardin, Francesca Belfiore, Jean-Loup Robineau, Stéphane Bottallo, François Maréchal
Journal:  Frontiers in Energy Research Volume 8 (2020)
Multi-Objective Optimal Sizing of HRES under Multiple Scenarios with Undetermined Probability
Kaiwen Li, Yuanming Song, Rui Wang
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 10, Issue 9 (2022), p. 1508
Optimisation-based system designs for deep offshore wind farms including power to gas technologies
Francesco Baldi, Andrea Coraddu, Miltiadis Kalikatzarakis, Diana Jeleňová, Maurizio Collu, Julia Race, François Maréchal
Journal:  Applied Energy Volume 310 (2022), p. 118540
Pub. online: 26 Mar 2024      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Informatica
Robust and optimal design of multi-energy systems with seasonal storage through uncertainty analysis
Paolo Gabrielli, Florian Fürer, Georgios Mavromatidis, Marco Mazzotti
Journal:  Applied Energy Volume 238 (2019), p. 1192
Using robust optimization to inform US deep decarbonization planning
Neha Patankar, Hadi Eshraghi, Anderson Rodrigo de Queiroz, Joseph F. DeCarolis
Journal:  Energy Strategy Reviews Volume 42 (2022), p. 100892