Pub. online:1 Jan 2019Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 711–728
The primitive of certificateless signature, since its invention, has become a widely studied paradigm due to the lack of key escrow problem and certificate management problem. However, this primitive cannot resist catastrophic damage caused by key exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate revocation mechanism into certificateless signature. In this paper, we propose a new certificateless signature scheme with revocation (RCLS) and prove its security under the standard model. In the meanwhile, our scheme can resist malicious-but-passive Key Generation Center (KGC) attacks that were not possible in previous solutions. The theoretical analysis shows our scheme has high efficiency and practicality.
Volume 26, Issue 4 (2015), pp. 663–684
Certificateless public-key systems (CL-PKS) were introduced to simultaneously solve two critical problems in public-key systems. One is the key escrow problem in ID-based public-key systems and the other is to eliminate the presence of certificates in conventional public-key systems. In the last decade, several certificateless signature (CLS) schemes have been proposed in the random oracle model. These CLS schemes possess existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen-message attacks, and only few of them possess strong unforgeability. A CLS scheme with strong unforgeability plays an important role in the construction of certificateless cryptographic schemes. Unfortunately, all the existing CLS schemes in the standard model (without random oracles) have been shown insecure to provide existential unforgeability under a generally adopted security model. In the article, we propose a strongly secure CLS scheme in the standard model under the generally adopted security model. Our scheme possesses not only existential unforgeability but also strong unforgeability, and turns out to be the first strongly secure CLS scheme in the standard model. Under the collision resistant hash (CRH) and computational Diffie–Hellman (CDH) assumptions, we prove that our CLS scheme possesses strong unforgeability against both Type I (outsiders) and Type II (key generation center) adversaries.
Volume 26, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 543–556
In a multi-decrypter encryption (MDE) scheme, a message encrypted under the public keys of multiple receivers can be recovered only when all the receivers designated by the sender are available (e.g. in a national security setting where a “Top Secret” document can only be decrypted and recovered when all the designated “keyholders” present the respective keys). Despite its effectiveness (i.e. without heavy computational overheads) in ensuring a message can only be read when all the designated parties are available, this is an under-researched topic (there are only two published MDE schemes in the literature, to the best of our knowledge). In this paper, we propose an efficient MDE scheme and prove its CCA2 security in the standard model under the decisional bilinear Diffie–Hellman assumption.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (2012), pp. 487–505
Revocation problem is a critical issue for key management of public key systems. Any certificate-based or identity (ID)-based public key systems must provide a revocation method to revoke misbehaving/compromised users from the public key systems. In the past, there was little work on studying the revocation problem of ID-based public key systems. Most recently, Tseng and Tsai presented a novel ID-based public key system with efficient revocation using a public channel, and proposed a practical revocable ID-based encryption (called RIBE). They proved that the proposed RIBE is semantically secure in the random oracle model. Although the ID-based encryption schemes based on the random oracle model can offer better performance, the resulting schemes could be insecure when random oracles are instantiated with concrete hash functions. In this paper, we employ Tseng and Tsai's revocable concept to propose a new RIBE without random oracles to provide full security. We demonstrate that the proposed RIBE is semantically secure against adaptive-ID attacks in the standard model.
Volume 23, Issue 1 (2012), pp. 27–45
Key-insulated cryptography is an important technique to protect private keys in identity-based (IB) cryptosytems. Despite the flurry of recent results on IB key-insulated encryption (IBKIE) and signature (IBKIS), a problem regarding the security and efficiency of practicing IBKIE and IBKIS as a joint IB key-insulated signature/encryption scheme with a common set of parameters and keys remains open. To deal with the above question, we propose an identity-based key-insulated signcryption (IBKISC) scheme. Compared with the Sign-then-Encrypt (StE) and Encrypt-then-Sign (EtS) using IBKIE and IBKIS in the standard model, our proposed IBKISC scheme is the fastest with the shortest ciphertext size.