Cited by 4
Efficient Strongly Unforgeable ID-Based Signature Without Random Oracles

Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Strongly Unforgeable Identity-Based Signature Scheme
Xiaodong Yang, Ping Yang, Faying An, Shudong Li, Caifen Wang, Dengguo Feng
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Information Security and Cryptology) Volume 10726 (2018), p. 196
A Strongly Unforgeable Certificateless Signature Scheme and Its Application in IoT Environments
Xiaodong Yang, Xizhen Pei, Guilan Chen, Ting Li, Meiding Wang, Caifen Wang
Journal:  Sensors Volume 19, Issue 12 (2019), p. 2692
Communication-efficient revocable identity-based signature from multilinear maps
Jing Zhao, Bin Wei, Yang Su
Journal:  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing Volume 10, Issue 1 (2019), p. 187
Heterogeneous Cross-Domain Identity Authentication Scheme Based on Proxy Resignature in Cloud Environment
Yongyang Lv, Wenju Liu, Ze Wang, Nazrul Islam
Journal:  Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2020 (2020), p. 1