Volume 22, Issue 4 (2011), pp. 589–600
The concentration of a substrate in a solution can be measured using amperometric signals of biosensors: in fact the maximum (steady state) current is measured which is calibrated in the units of concentration. Such a simple method is not applicable in the case of several substrates. In the present paper, the problem of evaluation of concentrations of several substrates is tackled by minimizing the discrepancy between the observed and modeled transition processes of the amperometric signal.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 575–596
This paper presents GSM speech coder indirect identification algorithm based on sending novel identification pilot signals through the GSM speech channel. Each GSM subsystem disturbs identification pilot, while speech coder uniquely changes the tempo-spectral characteristics of the proposed pilot signal. Speech coder identification algorithm identifies speech coder with the usage of robust linear frequency cepstral coefficient (LFCC) feature extraction procedure and fast artificial neural networks. First step of speech coder identification algorithm is the exact position detection of the identification pilot signal using normalized cross correlation approach. Next stage is time-domain windowing of the input signal to convolve each frame of the input speech signal and window spectrum. Consecutive step is a short-time Fast Fourier Transformation to produce the magnitude spectrum of each windowed frame. Further, a noise reduction with spectral subtraction based on spectral smoothing is carried out. In last steps we perform the frequency filtering and Discrete Cosine Transformation to receive 24 uncorrelated cepstral coefficients per frame as a result. Speech coder identification is completed with fast artificial neural network classification using the input feature vector of 24 LFCC coefficients, giving a result of identified speech coder. For GSM speech coder indirect identification evaluation, the standardized GSM ETSI bit-exact implementations were used. Furthermore, a set of custom tools was build. These tools were used to simulate and control various conditions in the GSM system. Final results show that proposed algorithm identifies the GSM-EFR speech coder with the accuracy of 98.85%, the GSM-FR speech coder with 98.71%, and the GSM-HR coder with 98.61%. These scores were achieved at various types of surrounding noises and even at very low SNR conditions.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 77–92
The mathematical model and methods of calculation of the layout structure of comparator signal circuits with distributed parameters are presented. The algorithm of computer formulation and solving of equations of transfer functions of comparator circuits is provided. Theoretical substantiation of optimizing the micro‐layout of large‐scale integration circuits of parallel subnanosecond analog‐to‐digital converters (ADC) is proposed.
The signal modeling and investigation of transitional processes in comparator circuits of the subnanosecond range 6‐, 8‐bit ADC of different layouts are presented. It has been determined that the transitional process quality in inputs of comparator blocks strongly depends on the signal circuit layout architecture, the compatibility of wave resistances of signal microstrip lines and on the number of branches to comparator bloks.The designed layouts of the 6‐bit subnanosecond range ADC comparator circuit with different layout structures are presented. Modeling of equivalent circuits of the designed layouts was performed and the modeling results are presented.The architecture of topology for comparators circuits presented here allows the developing of gigahertz 6‐ and 8‐bit analog‐to‐digital information converter.
Volume 5, Issues 3-4 (1994), pp. 324–337
The problem of the parameters estimation of quasihomogeneous autoregressive random field is considered. An algorithm is proposed for the parameter estimation of certain classes of such fields.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (1992), pp. 98–118
We consider a class of identification algorithms for distributed parameter systems. Utilizing stochastic optimization techniques, sequences of estimators are constructed by minimizing appropriate functionals. The main effort is to develop weak and strong invariance principles for the underlying algorithms. By means of weak convergence methods, a functional central limit theorem is established. Using the Skorohod imbedding, a strong invariance principle is obtained. These invariance principles provide very precise rates of convergence results for parameter estimates, yielding important information for experimental design.