Pub. online:14 Jun 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 299–320
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a widely used technique for mapping data from a high-dimensional to a lower-dimensional space and for visualizing data. Recently, a new method, known as Geometric MDS, has been developed to minimize the MDS stress function by an iterative procedure, where coordinates of a particular point of the projected space are moved to the new position defined analytically. Such a change in position is easily interpreted geometrically. Moreover, the coordinates of points of the projected space may be recalculated simultaneously, i.e. in parallel, independently of each other. This paper has several objectives. Two implementations of Geometric MDS are suggested and analysed experimentally. The parallel implementation of Geometric MDS is developed for multithreaded multi-core processors. The sequential implementation is optimized for computational speed, enabling it to solve large data problems. It is compared with the SMACOF version of MDS. Python codes for both Geometric MDS and SMACOF are presented to highlight the differences between the two implementations. The comparison was carried out on several aspects: the comparative performance of Geometric MDS and SMACOF depending on the projection dimension, data size and computation time. Geometric MDS usually finds lower stress when the dimensionality of the projected space is smaller.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2019Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 349–365
The isometric mapping (Isomap) algorithm is often used for analysing hyperspectral images. Isomap allows to reduce such hyperspectral images from a high-dimensional space into a lower-dimensional space, keeping the critical original information. To achieve such objective, Isomap uses the state-of-the-art MultiDimensional Scaling method (MDS) for dimensionality reduction. In this work, we propose to use Isomap with SMACOF, since SMACOF is the most accurate MDS method. A deep comparison, in terms of accuracy, between Isomap based on an eigen-decomposition process and Isomap based on SMACOF has been carried out using three benchmark hyperspectral images. Moreover, for the hyperspectral image classification, three classifiers (support vector machine, k-nearest neighbour, and Random Forest) have been used to compare both Isomap approaches. The experimental investigation has shown that better classification accuracy is obtained by Isomap with SMACOF.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (1995), pp. 225–232
An algorithm for the sequential analysis of multivariate data structure is presented. The algorithm is based on the sequential nonlinear mapping of L-dimensional vectors from the L-hyperspace into a lower-dimensional (two-dimensional) vectors such that the inner structure of distances among the vectors is preserved. Expressions for the sequential nonlinear mapping are obtained. The mapping error function is chosen. Theoretical minimum amount of the very beginning simultaneously mapped vectors is obtained.
Volume 4, Issues 1-2 (1993), pp. 81–93
An algorithm for the sequential analysis of multivariate data is, presented along with some experimental results. The algorithm is based upon the sequential nonlinear mapping of L-dimensional vectors from the L-hiperspace into a lower-dimensional (two-dimensional) vectors such that the inner structure of distances between the vectors is preserved. Expressions for the sequential nonlinear mapping are obtained. The sequential nonlinear mapping is applied to sequential c1usterization of random processes and creation of an essentially new method for sequential detection of many abrupt or slow changes in several unknown states of dynamic systems.