1 October 2018
1 January 2019
1 January 2019
F.J. Orts Gómez is a predoctoral researcher at the Informatics Department at University of Almería, Spain. He studied the master in computer engineering at the University of Almería. He is currently doing his PhD thanks to the Spanish FPI program. His publications and more information about him can be found in http://hpca.ual.es/~forts/. His research interests are multiDimensional scaling, quantum computation and high performance computing.
G. Ortega López (https://sites.google.com/site/gloriaortegalopez/) received the PhD degree from the University of Almería (Spain) in 2014. From 2009, she has been working as a member of the TIC-146 supercomputing-algorithms research group. Currently, she has a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Málaga and her current research work is focused on high performance computing and optimization. Some of her research interest includes the study of strategies for load balancing the workload on heterogeneous systems, the parallelization of optimization problems and image processing.
E. Filatovas received the PhD in informatics engineering from the Vilnius University in 2012, Lithuania. He is currently a senior researcher at Vilnius University, and an associate professor at of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. His main research interests include blockchain technologies, global optimization, multi-objective optimization, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, multiple criteria decision making, high-performance computing, and image processing. He has published more than 20 scientific papers.
O. Kurasova received the doctoral degree in computer science (PhD) from Institute of Mathematics and Informatics jointly with Vytautas Magnus University in 2005. Recent employment is at the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of the Vilnius University as a principal researcher and professor. Research interests include data mining methods, optimization theory and applications, artificial intelligence, neural networks, visualization of multidimensional data, multiple criteria decision support, parallel computing, image processing. She is the author of more than 70 scientific publications.