Volume 28, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 45–78
Data involving spatial and/or temporal attributes are often represented at different levels of granularity in different source schemata. In this work, a model of such multigranular data is developed, which supports not only the usual order structure on granules, but also lattice-like join and disjointness operators for relating such granules in much more complex ways. In addition, a model for multigranular thematic attributes, to which aggregation operators are applied, is provided. Finally, the notion of a thematic multigranular comparison dependency, generalizing ordinary functional and order dependencies but specifically designed to model the kinds of functional and order dependencies which arise in the multigranular context, and in particular incorporating aggregation into the definition of the constraint, is developed.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (2009), pp. 305–320
Multi-attribute analysis is a useful tool in many economical, managerial, constructional, etc. problems. The accuracy of performance measures in COPRAS (The multi-attribute COmplex PRoportional ASsessment of alternatives) method is usually assumed to be accurate. This method assumes direct and proportional dependence of the weight and utility degree of investigated versions on a system of attributes adequately describing the alternatives and on values and weights of the attributes. However, there is usually some uncertainty involved in all multi-attribute model inputs. The objective of this research is to demonstrate how simulation can be used to reflect fuzzy inputs, which allows more complete interpretation of model results. A case study is used to demonstrate the concept of general contractor choice of on the basis of multiple attributes of efficiency with fuzzy inputs applying COPRAS-G method. The research has concluded that the COPRAS-G method is appropriate to use.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 3–22
The paper deals with the intelligent functional model for optimizing the product design and its manufacturing process in hybrid manufacturing systems consisting of people, machines and computers. The knowledge‐based framework of an intelligent functional model has been developed. It furnishes the possibility for a product designer and manufacturer to find an optimal production plan in the early stage of the product design. The mathematical model formalization is provided. A consecutive optimization scheme has been applied for selecting an optimal alternative of a product design and its production plan. The proposed model is being implemented both in industry and university education process.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1998): Special Issue on Programming Theory, Information System Engineering, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 51–64
An extention of the QBE language in the form of graph queries is proposed for databases having complex schemata. These graph queries provide user interface for the ER model, like QBE queries provide user interface for the relational model. The implementation and usage of graph queries of ER-based “MicroPoisk” DBMS are presented.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1995): Special Issue on Information Systems and Software Systems Engineering, pp. 497–522
In this paper the universal structural type of entities is presented by recursive applications of two operators, i.e., operator which constructs positioned subsets of entity name universum and operator which constructs a functional set on the entity name universum. The object subtype is determined using an especial commutational diagram with the compositions of inner functions. The main integration rule of conceptual object–relationship–property scheme is determined by means of external containment function. A compositions of inner and external functions serve as a tool for normalization of entities systems. The advantages of proposed approach to the modelling of entities system are pointed out.