1 Introduction
A Multiple Attribute Decision Making problem (MADM) is a procedure to find the best alternative that has the highest degree of satisfaction from a finite set of alternatives characterized with multiple criteria (Biswas
et al.,
2019). MADM problems have been established as an effective methodology for solving a wide variety of decision making issues. As shown in equation (
1), a MADM matrix is generally displayed by m alternatives
${A_{1}},\dots ,{A_{m}}$, and n criteria
${C_{1}},\dots ,{C_{n}}$, such that entry
${x_{ij}}$ indicates the performance measure of alternative
${A_{i}}$ for criterion
${C_{j}}$. The weight attached to criterion
${C_{j}}$ is represented by
${w_{j}}$ in a way that
$0\leqslant {w_{j}}\leqslant 1$ and
${\textstyle\sum _{j=1}^{n}}{w_{j}}=1$.
A criterion is either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative criteria are stated in numerical performance measures, but qualitative criteria are expressed in ordinal qualitative data. There are many instructions for conversion of qualitative data into numerical values. Anyway, from now on, we assume that all of performance measures
${x_{ij}}$ are numerical. Moreover, a criterion is either benefit type or cost type. The former receives high performance measures for preferable alternatives, and the latter receives low performance measures for desirable alternatives. Let’s,
${x_{j}^{\max }}={\max _{i=1,\dots ,m}}{x_{ij}}$ and
${x_{j}^{\min }}={\min _{i=1,\dots ,m}}{x_{ij}}$, thus for a benefit criterion the former is the ideal performance measure, and the latter shows the anti-ideal performance measure. Absolutely, these terms are vice versa for a cost criterion.
In the literature, there are several methods to evaluate the alternatives in a MADM problem. These methods can be broadly classified into two major types: compensatory and non-compensatory (Hwang and Yoon,
1981). The former assumes compensation among the criteria, while the latter rejects this assumption. The compensatory methods are classified as scoring (or weighting or aggregating), compromising (or ideal point) and concordance (or outranking) (Hwang and Yoon,
1981). The concentration point of the current paper is the scoring methods. In the scoring methods, an aggregate score for each alternative is calculated (from now on, for short, we call it score), indicating total performance of that alternative. Generally, an alternative that has the largest score is selected. In Section
2, the existent scoring methods are reviewed. Let’s explain two motivations of the current research, as follows:
• The first and major reason why the current study is conducted is relevant to the concept of Indifference Threshold (IT) (this concept is explained in Section
4). Notably, a few MADM tools involve the IT, i.e. Lexicographic semi-order (Tversky,
1969), Elimination and Choice Expressing the Reality III (ELECTRE III) (Roy,
1978), Indifference Threshold-based Attribute Ratio Analysis (ITARA) (Hatefi,
2019), and Block-wise Rating the Attribute Weights (BRAW) (Hatefi,
2021). None of the existent scoring methods apply the IT concept to their procedures. Thus a question arises: How can we build a scoring method containing the IT concept?
• The second motivation, but not less important, concerns the incorporation of the DM’s Yearning Thresholds (YT) into the scoring methods (this concept is explained in Section
3). Hence, the current study is also to answer the question of how to develop a scoring method that involves the YT concept. Reviewing the respective literature shows that there is no scoring method which addresses a well-defined way to incorporate the YT concept.
The aim of the current paper is to extend scoring methods to evaluate the alternatives in an MADM problem, by taking the two above notions into consideration. The paper is organized as follows. Section
2 reviews the existent scoring methods in the related literature. Section
3 defines the YT concept, and justifies why any MADM evaluation method has to take this concept into account. Section
4 explicates the IT concept, and enhances it by giving a new definition. In sections
5 and
6, two proposed extended scoring methods are explained. Section
7 is to present the procedure and results of a simulation study carried out to compare the ranking structures of the alternatives by different scoring methods. Section
8 illustrates a real-world study case performed in the oil industry. Finally, discussion and conclusion are pointed out in the last section.
2 Overview of the Scoring Methods
The seminal and traditional scoring method is Weighted Sum Model (WSM) (Churchman and Ackoff,
1954). In this method, after normalization of the performance measures by the linear normalization (equations (
2) and (
3) respectively for benefit and cost criteria), the score for alternative
${A_{i}}$ is calculated by equation (
The WSM formula is defined in additive form. The multiplicative pair for the WSM is called Weighted Product Model (WPM) (Miller and Starr,
1969). Equation (
5) shows the WPM function to calculate the scores. The normalization technique of the WPM is just like the WSM.
In Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) (Zavadskas and Turskis,
2010a), firstly, a hypothetical alternative, namely, and ideal alternative including the ideal performance measures is added to the MADM matrix at row zero
$(i=0)$. Then, the method benefits from the linear normalization sum-based, as follows from equations (
6) and (
7) respectively for benefit and cost criteria. Next, equation (
8) is used to work the primary scores of the alternatives out. As it can be seen from this equation, the ARAS score calculation is like the WSM. At the end, final scores are determined by comparison of the primary scores with the primary score of the ideal alternative, as follows from equation (
Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) was recently introduced by Stevic
et al. (
2020). This method is a generalized version of the ARAS. The MARCOS starts with adding two hypothetical alternatives to the MADM matrix: ideal (denoted by AI) and anti-ideal (denoted by AAI). The ideal alternative contains the ideal performance measures, and vice versa. The MARCOS scores represent the position of the alternatives with regard to ideal and anti-ideal alternatives. This method employs the WSM formula (equation (
4)), to calculate its scores, as follows from equation (
In the methods WSM, WPM, ARAS, and MARCOS, the relevant procedures to compute the scores do not distinguish between benefit criteria and cost criteria, and therefore, during the normalization step, cost criteria must be converted into benefit criteria. On the contrary, in the procedure of some other methods, benefit criteria are differentiated from cost criteria. The seminal method by such a procedure is Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS), proposed by Zavadskas and Kaklauskas (
1996). Equation (
14) depicts the COPRAS primary formula, where
${S_{i}^{+}}$ and
${S_{i}^{-}}$ are determined by equations (
12) and (
13). Both these equations use only equation (
11) to get the weighted normalized performance measures. Lastly, the COPRAS score is calculated by equation (
Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) was introduced by Brauers and Zavadskas (
2006). In the ratio system part of this method, it makes use of equation (
16), called vector normalization, to normalize all the MADM matrix entries. Then, equations (
17) and (
18) are applied to calculate the MOORA score as equation (
19). A minor variant of the MOORA is called Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of Simple Ratio Analysis (MOOSRA) (Das
et al.,
2012) in which equation (
20) is used instead of equation (
Brauers and Zavadskas (
2010) suggested the multiplicative form of the MOORA (called MULTIMOORA or MMOORA). The normalization step is similar to the MOORA. Then,
${S_{i}^{+}}$ and
${S_{i}^{+}}$ are determined by equations (
21) and (
22). As it can be seen, these elementary functions act in a similar way to the WPM method. Finally, equation (
23) shows the MMOORA function to reach the scores.
There are some methods which take a strategy to mix additive and multiplicative forms (often the WSM and the WPM). A convex linear combination of the WSM and WPM formulas is Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) proposed by Zavadskas
et al. (
2012). In the WASPAS function (equation (
μ is an adjusting parameter between 0 and 1. Usually
$\mu =0.5$ is chosen by the Decision Maker (DM).
Combined Compromise Solution (COCOSO) (Yazdani
et al.,
2018) includes an idea to mix additive and multiplicative forms of the scores. Firstly, the COCOSO uses the linear max-min normalization (equations (
25) and (
26) respectively for benefit and cost criteria) to convert the performance measures into dimensionless values. Secondly, three appraisal formulas as equation (
27) to equation (
29) are used to get the mixtures. Equation (
29) contains a parameter
μ that similarly to the WASPAS is an adjusting parameter on interval
$[0,1]$, with default value of 0.5. Finally, equation (
30) is the proposed COCOSO model to determine the scores.
Equation (
31) was used by Keshavarz Ghorabaee
et al. (
2021) to determine the alternative scores. This formula was employed in a criteria weighting model called Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC), in which
${r_{ij}}$ are dimensionless values of the performance measures obtained by linear normalization, i.e. equations (
2) and (
3). It seems equation (
31) originates in the famous Entropy method (Hwang and Yoon,
1981) and a logarithmic normalization formula suggested by Zavadskas and Turskis (
2008). Since the MEREC disregards the criteria weights, it may be inapplicable in many situations.
Reviewing the scoring methods displays that different methods employ various techniques to remove the difference in scale of each criterion. For review of different kinds of normalization techniques, see Brauers and Zavadskas (
2006), Zavadskas and Turskis (
2008), and Jahan and Edwards (
3 New Yearning Threshold (YT) Concept
The Aspiration Level (AL) idea was introduced by Lotfi
et al. (
1992). For a given criterion, the AL is a value that represents the minimum satisfactory outcomes for the DM. Lotfi
et al. (
1992) have stated that the AL for a criterion should not exceed the ideal performance measure of that criterion, and should be less than the anti-ideal performance measure of that criterion. For example, in a house selection MADM problem with three alternatives, if areas are 60, 40, and 80 square meters, the DM’s AL for house area should be a number between 40 to 80. A drawback to such assumption is that the DM’s willingness actually may be beyond this range, e.g. 200 square meters. In fact, confining the DM’s desire to performance measure range is not reasonable. To overcome the AL limitation, this paper proposes the Yearning Threshold (YT) concept as follows.
Definition 1 (Yearning Threshold or YT).
In MADM matrix, Yearning Threshold of criterion ${C_{j}}$ is denoted by ${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}$. The YT indicates a desired threshold for the performance measures of a criterion. In order to be meaningful, we suppose the YT can be any value regardless of the performance measures. Note that the YT is not a target level, but it is a lower/upper bound of the DM’s desire for a benefit/cost criterion. For example, if a DM’s YT for house area is 200 square meters, we interpret that the DM wishes to have a house with 200 square meters or more.
Now, having the above YT definition, let us discuss this fact that incorporation of the YT concept into the MADM evaluation models is not an option, but rather a requirement to ensure the accuracy of the decisions. Again, consider the example of house selection problem by the following MADM matrix. The criteria are (
${C_{1}}$:) area and (
${C_{2}}$:) the ratio of the area of windows to the house area. The YT is 200 for
${C_{1}}$, and 0.4 for
Without loss of generality, we assume that the criteria have identical weights, and we use the linear normalization and the WSM to calculate the scores as follows:
The suggested solution is
${A_{3}}$. Is this decision accurate? Regarding
${C_{1}}$, all performance measures (60, 40, and 80) are very far from the DM’s YT (200 square meters), and thus all the alternatives are rather undesirable for the DM. Regarding
${A_{2}}$ exactly meets the DM’s YT. After applying any dimensionless rule, a reasonable expectation is that all “1” in the matrix must indicate the best preferred value for the DM, i.e. entries
${r_{31}}$ and
${r_{22}}$ in the above matrix. Entry
${r_{22}}=1$ is valid, because
${A_{2}}$ with 0.4 is completely welcome for the DM. Conversely,
${A_{3}}$ with 80 square meters is far from the minimum desired level of the DM, consequently, entry
${r_{31}}$ must adjust a lot less than 1. In order to resolve this issue, we suggest normalizing the MADM matrix by using the YTs in spite of the ideal performance measures (e.g. in the following matrix, at column
${C_{1}}$ we would have
$40/200=0.2$ and
In the above matrix, we see that the normalized performance measures are scaled down in proportion to the relevant YTs, and the proper solution is ${A_{2}}$. We conclude that using the YTs to normalize the MADM matrix in any alternative evaluation method is a necessary condition to guarantee a proper decision. The YT is “null” when ${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}\leqslant {x_{j}^{\max }}$ for benefit criteria, and when ${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}\geqslant {x_{j}^{\min }}$ for cost criteria. Moreover, if the DM has no idea about the YT, it can be considered as ${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}={x_{j}^{\max }}$ for benefit criteria, and ${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}={x_{j}^{\min }}$ for cost criteria.
4 Enhancement of the Indifference Threshold (IT) Concept
We know that in mathematics, $|Y|$ shows the absolute value of Y, such that $|Y|=\max \{Y,-Y\}$. In fact, a number and its opposite have the same absolute value. This operator is defined in additive form of numbers. Now, let’s generalize it into multiplicative form, by the following definition.
Definition 2 (Minor value).
We define $\langle Y\rangle $ and call it minor value of Y, in a way that $\langle Y\rangle =\min \{Y,{Y^{-1}}\}$. Thus, a number and its reciprocal have the same minor value. For example, $\langle 0\rangle =0$, $\langle 1\rangle =1$, $\langle 2\rangle =0.5$, $\langle 0.5\rangle =0.5$, and $\langle 100\rangle =0.01$.
In what follows, two definitions are introduced. The former depicts the preliminary and traditional statement of the IT concept, and the latter is a novel statement for the IT concept that is firstly introduced in the current study.
Definition 3 (Distance-based Indifference Threshold or DIT).
In MADM matrix, for a given criterion ${C_{j}}$, two performance measures ${x_{ij}}$ and ${x_{kj}}$ are indifferent if and only if $|{x_{ij}}-{x_{kj}}|\leqslant {\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}$, where ${\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}$ denotes Distance-based Indifference Threshold of criterion ${C_{j}}$. Using an example of a house selection problem, if ${\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}$ is 5 square meters area, we infer that two houses with 5 square meters difference or lesser in area are indifferent in view of the DM. Note that ${\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}$ is a non-negative value and homogeneous with dimensional unit of criterion ${C_{j}}$. A value of ${\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}=0$ (i.e. the additive identity) is called null DIT.
Definition 4 (Ratio-based Indifference Threshold or RIT).
In MADM matrix, for a given criterion ${C_{j}}$, two performance measures ${x_{ij}}$ and ${x_{kj}}$ are indifferent if and only if $\big\langle \frac{{x_{ij}}}{{x_{kj}}}\big\rangle \geqslant {\mathrm{RIT}_{j}}$, where ${\mathrm{RIT}_{j}}$ ($\in [0,1]$) denotes Ratio-based Indifference Threshold of criterion ${C_{j}}$. Opposed to the DIT, the RIT is dimensionless. Using an example of a house area, if ${\mathrm{RIT}_{j}}=0.9$, the DM believes that if the area of cheaper house divided by that of a more expensive house be 0.9 or more, he/she is indifferent about the house area. In fact, the DM is indifferent on this criterion, if ratio between areas be 90% to 100%. A null RIT refers ${\mathrm{RIT}_{j}}=1$ (i.e. the multiplicative identity).
Notably, the DIT values are not homogeneous (because dimensional unit of ${\mathrm{DIT}_{j}}$ is the same as dimensional unit of criterion ${C_{j}}$); on the contrary, all the RIT values range from 0 to 1, thus the RIT has an advantage over the DIT from this point of view.
4.1 The DIT and the RIT Relationship
This section is to answer the questions of how to obtain the RIT value from the DIT value and how to obtain the DIT value from the RIT value. To the first question, let’s draw up a guideline: Any distances between two given performance measures to which the DM is/isn’t indifference, must be reflected in a RIT which causes the fact that the DM is/isn’t indifferent to the relevant ratios. Based on this guideline, equations (
32) and (
33) can be formulated.
It should be noted that equations (
32) and (
33) relate to the concept of distance from the reference point (McCrimmon,
1968). Any RIT value that satisfies both the above equations is acceptable. Let’s provide an example. For a given criterion, the performance measures are 2, 4, 6, and 15, and the DIT is 3. On one hand, the DM is indifferent to distances
$|2-4|$ and
$|4-6|$. The ratios related to these distances are
$2/4$ and
$4/6$, respectively. Logically, a RIT less than or equal to
$2/4$ or 0.5 must be selected, because such a RIT causes the DM to become indifferent to both
$2/4$ and
$4/6$. On the other hand, the DM is not indifferent to four distances
$|4-15|$, and
$|6-15|$. The relevant ratios are
$4/15$, and
$6/15$, respectively. Clearly, the DM is not indifferent to all these four ratios, if a RIT greater than
$6/15$ or 0.4 is chosen. Finally, a RIT from
$(0.4,0.5]$ can be selected.
It should be noted that there might be situations in which there is no intersection between equations (
32) and (
33). In such situations, there is no RIT value exactly compatible with a DIT, and vice versa. For example, such a situation happens for a criterion with the performance measures 2, 6, 8, and 20, and a DIT = 10. In this example, equation (
32) results in
$\mathrm{RIT}\leqslant 0.25$, and equation (
33) results in RIT > 0.4.
Logic like the above can be applied for the second question, i.e. how to get a DIT value using the RIT value. The guideline for this question is the contrary of that for the first question. The respective functions are shown in equations (
34) and (
The above equations should hold true for any acceptable DIT. Again, consider the same above example, in which there are four performance measures 2, 4, 6, and 15, with a RIT of 0.45. On one hand, the DM is indifferent to the ratios $2/4$ and $4/6$, because $2/4\gt 0.45$ and $4/6\gt 0.45$. The relevant distances are $|2-4|=2$ and $|4-6|=2$, respectively. We need the DM to become indifferent to distance 2; consequently, a DIT greater than or equal to 2 must be chosen. On the other hand, the DM is not indifferent to ratios $2/6$, $2/15$, $4/15$, and $6/15$. The relevant distances are $|2-6|=4$, $|2-15|=13$, $|4-15|=11$, and $|6-15|=9$, respectively. In conclusion, a DIT less than 4 must be chosen, because by such a DIT the DM would not be indifferent to all the four distances. Finally, the DIT value from interval $[2,4)$ should be selected.
5 The Extended WPM Method (EWPM)
The underlying idea of the proposed EWPM stands on the relative relations between the alternatives. This idea leads us to a pairwise comparison matrix whose rows and columns are the alternatives. Let’s portray the notion using a simple numerical example as follows, including 3 alternatives
${A_{1}}\hspace{2.5pt}{A_{2}}$, and
${A_{3}}$, and two criteria
${C_{1}}$ (benefit type) and
${C_{2}}$ (cost type) weighted as 0.7 and 0.3, respectively.
If the analyst wishes to compare two alternatives
${A_{1}}$ and
${A_{2}}$ from the point of view of criterion
${C_{1}}$, then the fraction
$6/2$ can be taken. This fraction is called individual importance of
${A_{1}}$ relative to
${A_{2}}$. Similarly, the individual relative importance of
${A_{1}}$ to
${A_{2}}$ in view of
${C_{2}}$ is
$(\frac{1}{8})/(\frac{1}{3})$ or
$3/8$ (Note that
${C_{2}}$ is a cost criterion). Now, we need to combine 6/2 and 3/8. These two numbers are ratios; therefore, to combine them the WPM form can be employed. Thus, the combined relative importance of
${A_{1}}$ to
${A_{2}}$ would be
${(6/2)^{0.7}}\times {(3/8)^{0.3}}$. This calculation is sometimes called dimensionless analysis because its mathematical structure removes any units of measure (Triantaphyllou,
2000). By performing similar calculations for the other pairs of the alternatives, the result is the following matrix called Objective Multiplicative Pairwise Comparison (OMPC):
The OMPC matrix is actually in a multiplicative preference relation format, but in spite of preference judgment by the DM, the objective relative importance is replaced. Thus, each entry
${a_{ik}}$ $(i,k=1,\dots ,m)$ of the OMPC matrix represents the objective importance of alternative
${A_{i}}$ relative to alternative
${A_{k}}$ in terms of a multiplicative reasoning. Equation (
36) shows a general formula to determine the entries of the OMPC matrix. In this function,
${t_{j}}$ is determined by equation (
According to the following Proposition
1, the OMPC matrix is multiplicative inverse (i.e. reciprocity rule
${a_{ik}}\times {a_{ki}}=1$) and full consistent (i.e. transitivity rule
${a_{ik}}\times {a_{kl}}={a_{il}}$) for all entries of the matrix.
Proposition 1.
The OMPC matrix is multiplicative inverse and full consistent.
There are straightforward ways to sketch the proofs:
Thus, the proofs are easily established. □
Now we deal with the famous problem of deriving the scores from a pairwise comparison matrix. To extract the alternative scores from the OMPC matrix, with regard to the multiplicative form the entries, the Simple Geometric Mean (SGM) (Crawford and Williams,
1985) is utilized here. In the current situation, this method has been recommended by many researchers (Zhang
et al.,
2004; Hovanov
et al.,
2008). Therefore, equation (
38) represents the formula for calculating the score of alternative
The scores in the above example are 1.2286, 0.7642, and 1.0651, respectively.
5.1 Inclusion of the YT
In order to incorporate the YT into the model, we use equation (
39) instead of equation (
${\gamma _{j}}$ is named “YT-based weight reduction coefficient”, and is calculated by equation (
In fact, for a benefit criterion, if the YT is less than or equal to the ideal performance measure, as a result, γ coefficient would be neutral $(=1)$, but if the YT is greater than the ideal performance measure, a fraction coefficient ${x_{j}^{\max }}/{\mathrm{YT}_{j}}$ (i.e. less than 1) has a decreasing impact on weight ${w_{j}}$. For a cost criterion this decreasing impact acts while the YT is less than the ideal performance measure.
5.2 Inclusion of the RIT
Another aspect of the proposed method needs to be applied now, i.e. the IT concept. To incorporate this concept into the proposed method, firstly the Definition
4 helps us to define equation (
Now, we can write the final formula of the new method called Extended Weighted Product Model (EWPM) as equation (
It should be declared that normalization action is skipped in the EWPM. Equation (
38) is a simplified version of equation (
42), if all RITs are null (i.e.
${\mathrm{RIT}_{j}}=1$) and all YTs are null (i.e.
${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}\leqslant {x_{j}^{\max }}$ for benefit criteria, and
${\mathrm{YT}_{j}}\geqslant {x_{j}^{\min }}$ for cost criteria). Thus, we call equation (
38) null EWPM formula.
5.3 Characteristics of the EWPM Scores
The EWPM, as an interpretation, gauges how much an alternative dominates the other alternatives. Interestingly, this method separates the alternatives into three classes, because the obtained scores may be less than 1 (weak), equal to 1 (moderate), or greater than 1 (strong). The analyst can define a constant π called “score clearance”, in such a way that a score less than $1-\pi $ refers a weak alternative, in interval $[1-\pi ,1+\pi ]$ indicates a moderate decision, and greater than $1+\pi $ stands for a strong option. The default value for score clearance is 0.05. A strong alternative has a high total dominance over the others. On the contrary, a weak alternative is dominated by the others in most situations. As a consequence, when selecting the best alternative or prioritizing the alternatives, the DM should drop out the weak candidates.
It is worth mentioning that the product of all the alternative scores (i.e.
${\textstyle\prod _{i=1}^{m}}{S_{i}^{\mathrm{EWPM}}}$) is equal to 1 (see Proposition
2). In point of fact, the EWPM multiplicatively distributes a value of 1 among all the alternatives, depending on their relative importance.
Proposition 2.
In the EWPM, product of all the scores is equal to 1.
Clearly, the product of the radicands in equation (
38) equals the product of all the entries of the OMPC matrix. We know that in this matrix, for each entry there is a unique corresponding reciprocal entry. Furthermore, main diagonal of this matrix is 1. Thus, the result of multiplying the entries of the OMPC matrix is equal to 1, and we deduce that product of the scores equals 1. □
The following Proposition
3 proves that the alternative scores range between 0 and infinity.
Proposition 3.
In the EWPM, the scores may be any positive real number.
The proof is trivial. Look at equation (
38). There might exist values
${x_{ij}}=0$ and
${x_{kj}}\gt 0$ in the MADM matrix, and also there might exist values
${x_{ij}}\gt 0$ and
${x_{kj}}=0$. Thus, we have
${S_{i}^{\mathrm{EWPM}}}=0$ for the former, and
${S_{i}^{\mathrm{EWPM}}}\to +\infty $ for the latter. □
Proposition 4.
Ratio of an alternative score to another alternative score in the null EWPM is equal to the same ratio in the WPM.
Without loss of generality, assume that all the criteria are benefit type, thus we simply establish the proof as follows:
Corollary 1.
This corollary is a major result of the Proposition 4, and says the overall rank of the alternatives by the null EWPM and by the WPM is the same.
6 The Extended WSM Method (EWSM)
In the previous section, we saw that the EWPM is founded on a multiplicative structure. There is a pair for the EWPM, founded on the additive structure. Suppose the same numerical example of previous section:
In the additive form, we can say that in view of
${C_{1}}$, the importance of
${A_{1}}$ compared with
${A_{2}}$ is
$6-2=4$. Indeed, regarding
${C_{1}}$, the distance between the importance of
${A_{1}}$ and
${A_{2}}$ is 4. In the same way, the relative importance of
${A_{1}}$ to
${A_{2}}$ from the point of view of
${C_{2}}$ is
$(1/8)-(1/3)=-5/24$ (Note that
${C_{2}}$ is a cost criterion). The two numbers 4 and
$-5/24$ are distances, thus the WSM rule directs the current method to additively combine the relative importance. Because the distances may differ in dimensional unit, distance
$6-2$ is transformed to (
$6-2)/6$ in which denominator 6 is the ideal performance measure of
${C_{1}}$. In the same way, distance
$(1/8)-(1/3)$ is transformed to
$((1/8)-(1/3))/(1/3)$ where denominator
$1/3$ is the reciprocal of the ideal performance measure of
${C_{2}}$. The combined relative importance of
${A_{1}}$ and
${A_{2}}$ is written as
$0.7\times (\frac{6-2}{6})+0.3\times (\frac{(1/8)-(1/3)}{(1/3)})$. By running the same calculations for the other pairs of the alternatives, the following matrix is obtained. We name it Objective Additive Pairwise Comparison matrix (OAPC):
The OAPC matrix is in additive preference relation format. In this matrix, each entry
${b_{ik}}$ $(i,k=1,\dots ,m)$ is interpreted as the objective importance degree of alternative
${A_{i}}$ over alternative
${A_{k}}$ in terms of an additive reasoning. Equation (
43) displays a general formula to obtain the entries of the OAPC matrix, in which
${t_{j}}$ is determined like the EWPM (i.e.
${t_{j}}$ is +1 for benefit criteria, and is −1 for cost criteria). In equation (
${x_{j}^{\ast }}$ refers
${x_{j}^{\max }}$ for benefit criteria, and
${x_{j}^{\min }}$ for cost criteria.
It can be simply demonstrated that the OAPC matrix is additive inverse (opposition rule), i.e.
${b_{ik}}+{b_{ki}}=0$, and full consistent (transitivity rule), i.e. usually
Proposition 5.
The OAPC matrix is additive inverse and full consistent.
We omit the proof here, since the proof is straightforward and similar to that in Proposition
1 (In this point, the reader is advised to see Appendix
Because the entries of the OAPC matrix are in the additive form, the Simple Column Sum (SCS) method (Saaty,
1980) is a proper way to derive the scores. Equation (
44) shows the relevant formula.
The scores for alternatives
${A_{2}}$, and
${A_{3}}$ in the above example are 0.1483, −0.1308, and −0.0175, respectively, such that their sum is equal to 0.
6.1 Inclusion of the YT
For the sake of incorporating the YT values into the model, equation (
44) is enhanced to equation (
45), where
${\delta _{j}}$ is a YT-based weight reduction coefficient in the current method, and is calculated by equation (
Note that in equation (
45) the multiplier
${\delta _{j}}$ plays two roles simultaneously, normalization and inclusion of the YT. As a straightforward interpretation, for benefit/cost criterion, if the YT is greater/less than the ideal performance measure, then the ideal performance measure is replaced by the YT to normalize the performance measures.
6.2 Inclusion of the DIT
To incorporate the IT concept into equation (
45), the Definition
3 is our major guideline. Firstly, based on this definition we can write equation (
47). Note that
${\beta _{ikj}}$ is homogeneous with normalized distances.
Therefore, equation (
45) is reformulated as equation (
48). The term EWSM refers to Extended Weighted Sum Model (EWSM).
Obviously, equation (
48) is simplified as equation (
44), provided that all the criteria have null DIT (i.e. zero) and null YT. In such a way, equation (
44) is called null EWSM formula.
6.3 Characteristics of the EWSM Scores
Let’s put an interpretation on the EWSM scores. Like the EWPM, the EWSM assigns a rate to each alternative to make measurement of the alternative dominance over the other alternatives. The EWSM segregates the alternatives into three classes: weak, moderate, and strong. Like the EWPM, by defining a score clearance
π (default value: 0.05), an alternative by a score less than
$-\pi $, between or equal to
$-\pi $ and
$+\pi $, or greater than
$+\pi $, is considered as a weak, moderate, or strong decision, respectively. In such a way, the weak alternatives should be removed from the selection list. It is also striking that the sum of all the EWSM scores is equal to 0. Proposition
6 is to prove this claim. We conclude that the proposed method assigns the positive or negative scores to the alternatives depending on their relative importance, in such a way that the sum of the scores be equal to additive identity.
Proposition 6.
Sum of the EWSM scores is equal to 0.
Obviously, the sum of the numerators in equation (
44) equals the sum of all the entries of the OAPC matrix. Each entry of this matrix has an opposite entry (additive inverse) in the matrix. By the way, main diagonal of the OAPC matrix consists of zeros. In such a way, the result of summation of the entries equals zero, and thus, the sum of the EWSM scores would be zero. □
The following Proposition
7 is to prove that the EWSM scores range from −1 to +1.
Proposition 7.
The EWSM score ranges from $-1$ to $+1$.
Look at equation (
44). Without loss of generality, assume that all the criteria are of benefit type. There are two extreme cases. At the worst case, for all the pairs of the performance measures,
${x_{ij}}/{x_{j}^{\max }}$ equals zero and
${x_{kj}}/{x_{j}^{\max }}$ equals one. Consequently,
${S_{i}}$ would be equal to −1. The best case is counter of the worst case, i.e.
${x_{ij}}/{x_{j}^{\max }}=1$ and
${x_{kj}}/{x_{j}^{\max }}=0$, thus
${S_{i}}$ would be equal to +1. □
Proposition 8.
Subtraction of an alternative score from another alternative score in the null EWSM equals the same subtraction in the WSM.
The proof is similar to that in Proposition
4. Without loss of generality, let us assume that all the criteria are benefit criteria, thus we follow the relations to get the result:
Corollary 2.
As a result of the Proposition 8, we deduce that the null EWSM and the WSM produce the same overall rank of the alternatives.
6.4 A Numerical Example
This section provides a numerical example which is extracted from Fan
et al. (
2002). Through this example, we have an aim to compare the EWSM with the WSM. A DM wishes to buy one of four houses
${A_{1}}$ to
${A_{4}}$. His/her criteria are
${C_{1}}$: house price (in thousand dollars, cost criterion),
${C_{2}}$: house area (in square meters, benefit criterion),
${C_{3}}$: distance from house to work location (in kilometers, cost criterion), and environmental characteristics (in ordinal numbers, benefit criterion). The criteria have identical weights. The MADM matrix for this problem is:
Let’s add new data to this example. The DM would prefer to give ITs of the criteria in the DIT format as 1 thousand dollars for
${C_{1}}$, 10 square meters for
${C_{2}}$, 10 kilometers for
${C_{3}}$, and 4 for
${C_{4}}$. Additionally, the DM’s YT is 5 thousand dollars for
${C_{1}}$, and 80 square meters for
${C_{2}}$. The DM has no idea about the YT for
${C_{3}}$ and
${C_{4}}$, thus we adjust
${\mathrm{YT}_{3}}={x_{3}^{\min }}=8$ and
${\mathrm{YT}_{4}}={x_{4}^{\max }}=11$. The ranking result of solving the current problem by the WSM is
${A_{1}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{2}}$, while the result for the EWSM is
${A_{1}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{3}}$. These rankings show that the ranking structure of the alternatives by the EWSM is different from that of conventional methods such as the WSM. The reason is clear. While the EWSM is sensitive to the DIT and YT values, the others neglect these concepts. When we adjust the DITs and YTs to null values, the results by the null EWSM become similar to that by the WSM.
7 Simulation Analysis
This section is to answer two questions. Whether a given scoring method selects the same best alternative as another given scoring method? And, how much is similarity between the overall rank structures of the alternatives obtained by two given scoring methods? To these, we examine a kind of simulation process that is a broadly accepted framework to compare the performance of the methods (Ahn,
2017; Sarabando and Dias,
2010; Ahn and Park,
2008; Barron and Barrett,
1996). The idea is to repeatedly (
N times, namely simulation run number) generate a random MADM matrix and random criteria weights, and investigate how well the result of a given method matches another one, in terms of an efficacy measure. To answer the above first question, a measure called Hit Rate (HR) is used as equation (
N is a simulation run number, and
B is the number of runs in which a method selects the same best alternative as another method does. The HR value ranges from 0 to 1, such that 1 indicates two methods select identical best alternative through all simulation runs. To answer the second question, Rank order Correlation (RC) is employed here. The RC shows the similarity of the overall rank structures of the alternatives constructed by two given methods. The RC is calculated using Kendall’s formula (Winkler and Hays,
1985) as equation (
A is the sum of alternative numbers through all simulation runs, and
V indicates the number of pairwise preference violations in all simulation runs. The RC value ranges from
$-1$ to
$+1$, where
$+1$ means perfect correspondence between the two rank orders in all simulation runs.
The simulation is designed with two levels of the alternatives: Low $(3\leqslant m\leqslant 6)$ and High $(9\leqslant m\leqslant 12)$, and two levels of the criteria: Low $(3\leqslant n\leqslant 6)$ and High $(9\leqslant n\leqslant 12)$. For each combination of the levels (i.e. combination 1: low level of the alternatives and low level of the criteria, combination 2: low level of the alternatives and high level of the criteria, combination 3: high level of the alternatives and low level of the criteria, and combination 4: high level of the alternatives and high level of the criteria), the following 10-step procedure is performed.
Step 1: Set $N=10000$ (N shows simulation run number), $k=0$, and $c=1$ (c indicates combination type, i.e. c could be 1, 2, 3, or 4).
Step 2: Set $k=k+1$, $A=0$, ${B_{pq}}=0$ and ${V_{pq}}=0$ $(p,q=1,\dots ,12)$. Where “12” is the number of the methods to be compared (the WSM, WPM, ARAS, MARCOS, COPRAS, MOORA, MOOSRA, MMOORA, WASPAS, COCOSO, null EWPM, and null EWSM). Thus, $p=1$ indicates the WSM, $p=2$ indicates the WPM method, and so on.
Step 3: Based on the combination type, generate a random integer number for the number of alternatives $(m)$, and an independent random integer number for the number of criteria $(n)$. Set $A=A+m$.
Step 4: Generate a random MADM matrix from the independent uniform distribution on $(0,1]$.
Step 5: Transform the MADM matrix to different normalized forms, depending on different methods mentioned in Step 2.
Step 6: Generate a random weight vector from the independent uniform distribution on $(0,1]$. Then normalize the weights to add up to 1.
Step 7: Determine the ranking structure of the alternatives by employing each of the 12 methods.
Step 8: Make HR pairwise comparison between each two methods. For two given methods p and q, if method p selects the same best alternative as method q, then set ${B_{pq}}={B_{pq}}+1$.
Step 9: Draw RC pairwise comparison between each two methods. For two given methods p and q, and for each alternative, if the methods p and q do not assign a similar rank to that alternative, then set ${V_{pq}}={V_{pq}}+1$.
Step 10: If $k=c\ast N/4$ then calculate the average HR for each two given methods p and q by ${\mathrm{HR}_{pq}^{c}}={\mathrm{B}_{pq}}/N$, calculate the average RC for these two methods by ${\mathrm{RC}_{pq}^{c}}=1-(2{V_{pq}}/A)$, set $c=c+1$, and set $k=0$. In this point, if $k=N$, calculate the overall HR and overall RC by ${\mathrm{HR}_{pq}}={\textstyle\sum _{c=1}^{4}}{\mathrm{HR}_{pq}^{c}}/4$ and ${\mathrm{RC}_{pq}}={\textstyle\sum _{c=1}^{4}}{\mathrm{RC}_{pq}^{c}}/4$, and stop the process, otherwise go to Step 2.
The above simulation experiment is conducted using the Visual Basic for application in the Excel’s programming language on a personal computer. The simulation runs are made in 5 rounds. Finally, the mean of 5 rounds are considered to compare the results. The individual results of 4 combinations are presented in Appendix
B and Appendix
C. In a broader sense, 5 values (for the HR and RC and for each combination) are obtained from 5 rounds. Each of these 5 values is the mean of 10.000 values resulted from 10.000 simulation runs. The averages of the presented values in Appendix
B and Appendix
C are shown in Table
1 and Table
Table 1
Simulation results of the average HR, for different number of the alternatives and criteria.
Null EWPM |
Null EWSM |
0.7754 |
0.8105 |
1.0000 |
0.4361 |
0.7165 |
0.6356 |
0.7754 |
0.8737 |
0.5748 |
0.7754 |
1.0000 |
0.8009 |
0.7754 |
0.3707 |
0.6957 |
0.6546 |
1.0000 |
0.8935 |
0.5808 |
1.0000 |
0.7754 |
0.8105 |
0.3498 |
0.6226 |
0.6097 |
0.8009 |
0.8335 |
0.4951 |
0.8009 |
0.8105 |
0.4361 |
0.7165 |
0.6356 |
0.7754 |
0.8737 |
0.5748 |
0.7754 |
1.0000 |
0.4985 |
0.3715 |
0.3707 |
0.4039 |
0.4214 |
0.3707 |
0.4361 |
0.7266 |
0.6957 |
0.7220 |
0.7175 |
0.6957 |
0.7165 |
0.6546 |
0.6568 |
0.6023 |
0.6546 |
0.6356 |
0.8935 |
0.5808 |
1.0000 |
0.7754 |
0.5879 |
0.8935 |
0.8737 |
0.5808 |
0.5748 |
Null EWPM |
0.7754 |
Table 2
Simulation results of the average RC, for different number of the alternatives and criteria.
Null-EWPM |
Null-EWSM |
−0.0701 |
0.2829 |
1.0000 |
−0.3616 |
−0.0927 |
−0.2210 |
−0.0701 |
0.3534 |
−0.3476 |
−0.0701 |
1.0000 |
−0.0191 |
−0.0701 |
−0.4504 |
−0.0362 |
−0.1644 |
1.0000 |
0.2340 |
−0.2830 |
1.0000 |
−0.0701 |
0.2829 |
−0.4494 |
−0.1292 |
−0.2365 |
−0.0191 |
0.2756 |
−0.3876 |
−0.0191 |
0.2829 |
−0.3616 |
−0.0927 |
−0.2210 |
−0.0701 |
0.3534 |
−0.3476 |
−0.0701 |
1.0000 |
−0.4022 |
−0.4149 |
−0.4504 |
−0.3904 |
−0.4996 |
−0.4504 |
−0.3616 |
0.0753 |
−0.0362 |
−0.0386 |
−0.1401 |
−0.0362 |
−0.0927 |
−0.1644 |
−0.1639 |
−0.2869 |
−0.1644 |
−0.2210 |
0.2340 |
−0.2830 |
1.0000 |
−0.0701 |
−0.3050 |
0.2340 |
0.3534 |
−0.2830 |
−0.3476 |
Null EWPM |
−0.0701 |
Looking at the above tables, some considerable facts are found out. The null EWSM and the MARCOS generate ranking structures of the alternatives similar to the WSM. Moreover, ranking structures of the alternatives by the null EWPM and the MMOORA are similar to that by the WPM. We name these kinds of correlations full HR (i.e. HR = 1) and full RC (i.e. RC = 1). By assuming high HR values as $1\gt \mathrm{HR}\geqslant 0.85$, the following pairs fall into this category: the WASPAS and WSM, the WASPAS and WPM, the WASPAS and MARCOS, the WASPAS and MMOORA, the null EWPM and COCOSO, and the null EWSM and WASPAS. Similarly, by assuming high RC by $1\gt \mathrm{RC}\geqslant 0.35$, the following pairs fall into this category: the WASPAS and WSM, the WASPAS and MARCOS, and the WASPAS and null EWSM. Taking together, we conclude that the WASPAS results are the most apt to be similar to the other methods.
By reviewing Tables
14 in Appendix
B and Appendix
C, an important fact is also clarified. As a remarkable outcome, for most pair of the methods, as the number of alternatives/criteria increases, both the HR and RC values decrease. In this regard, the impact of the number of alternatives is more than that of the number of criteria. As an example, for pair of the WSM and null EWPM, for low level of the alternatives and criteria, the HR equals 0.8589, for low level of the alternatives and high level of the criteria, the HR becomes 0.7953, for high level of the alternatives and low level of the criteria, the HR decreases to 0.7649, and for high low level of the alternatives and criteria, the HR decreases to 0.6825. Such a downward trend is obviously visible in most analogous cells in sequence Tables
7 > Table
8 > Table
9 > Table
10 and, in most cells, in sequence Table
11 > Table
12 > Table
13 > Table
14, except the cells indicating full HR or full RC.
8 A Real-World Study Case
One of the most fundamental challenges in oil industries is the need of Exploration and Production (E&P) companies for selecting and performing portfolios which have enough capacity from the view of technical, financial, and economic aspects. A portfolio is a collection of projects, programmes, and operations handled as a pack to achieve strategic objectives. In a real-world problem, the EWPM was used to select the best portfolio under Iranian financial regimes. In this case, a Delphi analysis was done to identify key criteria, with participation of sixteen experts. The participants for this analysis were chosen among a variety of project managers and subject matter experts of E&P companies, with more than 12 years of working experience on average. Fifteen criteria were identified through Delphi method:
(${C_{1}}$) Size of reservoir: The larger the reservoir, the higher potential for oil recovery, thus this is a benefit criterion.
(${C_{2}}$) Average distance from resources/infrastructures: Oil field that is close to pipelines, export systems, storage capacities, refineries, power stations, processing facilities, water resources, and so on, is preferred as it needs less investment to dispose of its oil and gas.
(${C_{3}}$) Net return on investment: This economic indicator is a function of development cost analysis and benchmarking international oil prices. Obviously, the higher this criterion results in, the better the development portfolio.
(${C_{4}}$) Security and political stability: A politically stable and safe region and country of investment is more favourable in the oil field.
(${C_{5}}$) Quality of upstream oil field development plan: Clearly, a development plan that accurately addresses key issues is considered as a favourable plan. The key items refer to a variety of things, including, but not limited to, project management guidelines, production challenges, separation systems, logistics, fiscal policy, budget constraints, water supplies, gas capturing and the number of wells to be drilled.
(${C_{6}}$) Cooperation opportunities: It indicates capabilities for making benefits from local communities, local businesses and subcontractors.
(${C_{7}}$) Reservoir characteristics: It refers properties such as oil/water level, oil movement behaviour, reservoir pressure, etc. The relevant data includes a variety of data acquired by logging, coring, and testing for each well drilled.
(${C_{8}}$) Plateau production rate: This is the major field output, and refers to the level of production rate at the plateau phase of oil production.
(${C_{9}}$) Plateau production period: This criterion depicts the fact that longer duration of plateau production justifies employment of installed capacities, decreases capital cost per unit of production, and causes minimal spare capacity maintenance cost.
(${C_{10}}$) Subsurface complexity: This criterion stands for several rock properties such as porosity, permeability, hydrocarbon layer continuity, and water saturation. A less subsurface complexity means optimal rock properties.
(${C_{11}}$) Human resources: Some zones have qualified human resources in abundance, while they are scarce in others. Oilfields that are located in areas where qualified human resources are available could be considered preferably.
(${C_{12}}$) Safe location: The safer the oilfield is during natural disasters, such as flooding and quakes or from damages to existing protective structures such as dams and bunds, the better.
(${C_{13}}$) Type of contract: The common types of current E&P agreements include Service Contract (SC) and Production Sharing Agreement (PSA). Preferred type would be based on whether the cash flow will ensure highest returns for the investor.
(${C_{14}}$) Environmental protection: A project with potential for optimal reduction of footprint is preferred. Footprint reduction indicators include (1) protecting surface and subsurface sources of fresh water, (2) minimizing effluents, (3) treating and re-injecting produced water, and (4) using land that is already degraded rather than agricultural land.
(${C_{15}}$) Management capacity: An upstream development program with existing capacity to efficiently and effectively supervise implementation, track commitments and avoid delays and penalties could be considered more favourably.
Later, the criteria were assigned numerical weights using Improved Rank Order Centroid or IROC method (Hatefi,
2023). For employing the IROC method, firstly, each expert was asked to individually rank the
$n=15$ criteria. The ranks are integer number ranges from 1 to 15. Then, the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (Kendall and Gibbons,
1990) was used in order to measure the degree of agreement among the expert’ judgments. Equation (
51) represents this coefficient, i.e. a ratio between 0 (no agreement) and 1 (full agreement), where
$E=16$ shows the number of experts, and
${R_{j}}$ displays the sum of given ranks by the experts for criterion
An interpretation of
T is that the consensus is very week, weak, fair, strong, very strong, and complete, if it is in intervals
$[0.7,0.9)$, and
$[0.9,1.0]$, respectively. If
T indicates a strong or higher consensus (i.e. not less than 0.5), then we can accept the ranks as valid data. In the study case,
$T=0.607$ was obtained, indicating a strong agreement. After that, we prioritized the criteria, such that the bigger value of
${R_{j}}$ indicates the lower concordant rank of criterion
${C_{j}}$. After ranking, the IROC formula (equation (
52)) was used to estimate the criteria weights. In this formula
${\varphi _{\mathrm{yn}}}$ are constant parameters of the IROC model, reported in Hatefi (
2023). These constants for
$n=15$ are 0.04916, 0.06070, 0.06690, 0.07044, 0.07264, 0.07378, 0.07352, 0.07305, 0.07161, 0.06962, 0.06781, 0.06597, 0.06366, 0.06155, and 0.05959. Table
3 represents the obtained ranks and weights for the 15 criteria.
Table 3
The criteria ranks and weights.
Criterion: |
${C_{1}}$ |
${C_{2}}$ |
${C_{3}}$ |
${C_{4}}$ |
${C_{5}}$ |
${C_{6}}$ |
${C_{7}}$ |
${C_{8}}$ |
${C_{9}}$ |
${C_{10}}$ |
${C_{11}}$ |
${C_{12}}$ |
${C_{13}}$ |
${C_{14}}$ |
${C_{15}}$ |
Rank |
3 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
6 |
8 |
2 |
15 |
13 |
11 |
14 |
12 |
10 |
Weight |
0.1265 |
0.1043 |
0.2057 |
0.0866 |
0.0599 |
0.0401 |
0.0722 |
0.0493 |
0.1573 |
0.0044 |
0.0133 |
0.0249 |
0.0048 |
0.0188 |
0.0319 |
Checking the 15 weights, the most crucial criterion weight is 0.2057, while the least important equals 0.0040. This means that criteria with weights less than 0.1028 (
$\cong 0.2057/2$) are not important, thus we eliminate them from the model. As a matter of fact, the fast and frugal concept (Katsikopoulos and Fasolo,
2006) leads us to concentrate on just the important criteria. Consequently, only four criteria are essential, i.e.
${C_{3}}$: Net return on investment (in percents),
${C_{9}}$: Plateau production period (in years),
${C_{1}}$: Size of reservoir (in billion barrels), and
${C_{2}}$: Average distance from resources/infrastructures (in kilometers).
4 presents the MADM matrix and some additional data for the study case. All the performance measures (
${x_{ij}}$) for all the criteria (
${C_{3}}$ and
${C_{9}}$) are received from the relevant technical documents and reports. As mentioned above, the criteria weights are determined using the IROC method. In Table
4, the IROC weights for the four criteria (0.1265, 0.1043, 0.2057, and 0.1573) are normalized to add up to one. Moreover, the RIT and YT values are given by the E&P company’ owners.
Table 4
The MADM matrix in the study case.
Criteria |
Code: |
${C_{1}}$ |
${C_{2}}$ |
${C_{3}}$ |
${C_{9}}$ |
Title: |
Size of reservoir |
Average distance from resources/infrastructures |
Net return on investment |
Plateau production period |
Type: |
Benefit |
Cost |
Benefit |
Benefit |
Dimension: |
billion barrels |
Kilometers |
Percents |
Years |
Weight: |
0.2130 |
0.1756 |
0.3465 |
0.2649 |
RIT: |
0.8 |
0.2 |
0.9 |
0.85 |
YT: |
50 |
20 |
80 |
60 |
Alternatives |
${A_{1}}$ |
37.5 |
47 |
22.5 |
25 |
${A_{2}}$ |
32.4 |
45 |
48.5 |
40 |
${A_{3}}$ |
25.5 |
19 |
37.5 |
35 |
${A_{4}}$ |
43.1 |
65 |
43.0 |
35 |
${A_{5}}$ |
33.7 |
80 |
33.7 |
45 |
${A_{6}}$ |
15.5 |
10 |
53.1 |
40 |
The EWPM scores are obtained as 0.8553, 1.0992, 0.9700, 1.0391, 0.9711, and 1.0866 for ${A_{1}}$ to ${A_{6}}$, respectively. Correspondingly, by setting $\pi =0.05$, the portfolios ${A_{2}}$ and ${A_{6}}$ are identified as strong alternatives; among them, ${A_{2}}$ is proposed as the best portfolio to be taken.
8.1 A Comparison
In this subsection, the result of solving the study case by the proposed method is compared to those of the various MADM scoring methods. The MADM matrix, presented in Table
4, was solved by the EWPM, WPM, Null EWPM, WSM, ARAS, MARCOS, COPRAS, MOORA, MOOSRA, MMOORA, WASPAS, COCOSO, and MEREC. The final results are exhibited in Table
Table 5
The ranks of the alternatives by various MADM methods.
Row |
Method |
Scores of alternatives ${A_{1}}$ to ${A_{6}}$ respectively |
The obtained ranking of the 6 alternatives |
1 |
0.8553 1.0992 0.9700 1.0391 0.9711 1.0866 |
${A_{2}}\gt {A_{6}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
2 |
0.4702 0.6787 0.6626 0.6260 0.5626 0.7795 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
3 |
Null EWPM |
0.7556 1.0907 1.0648 1.0060 0.9042 1.2528 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
4 |
0.5167 0.7511 0.6692 0.7266 0.6733 0.8341 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
5 |
0.4843 0.6907 0.6513 0.6642 0.6083 0.8492 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
6 |
0.4652 0.6762 0.6025 0.6542 0.6062 0.7510 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
7 |
0.5514 0.7809 0.7538 0.7483 0.6832 1.0000 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
8 |
0.0035 0.0035 0.0033 0.0030 0.0028 0.0023 |
${A_{2}}\gt {A_{6}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
9 |
31.6113 14.9838 7.8187 5.4273 5.2556 4.0645 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{1}}\gt {A_{5}}$ |
10 |
0.0398 0.0347 0.0339 0.0320 0.0287 0.0240 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
11 |
0.8068 0.7149 0.6659 0.6763 0.6179 0.4934 |
${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
12 |
2.2775 1.9320 1.7556 1.6965 1.2963 0.6153 |
${A_{2}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{6}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$ |
13 |
0.5785 0.5277 0.4597 0.4051 0.3657 0.2508 |
${A_{1}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{6}}$ |
Notably, the IT and YT data were considered only in the procedure of the EWPM. As mentioned before, the other methods internally do not consider the IT and YT concepts. The obtained ranking of the alternatives by the EWPM is ${A_{2}}\gt {A_{6}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{1}}$; but if we remove the thresholds (the YTs, and the RITs), the overall rank structure of the portfolios will obtained as ${A_{6}}\gt {A_{2}}\gt {A_{3}}\gt {A_{4}}\gt {A_{5}}\gt {A_{1}}$. In fact, considering the thresholds affects not only the overall ranking of the alternatives, but also the best alternative to be selected. This demonstrates the remarkable impact of the thresholds on the decisions. Another point to be borne in mind is that there is a considerable difference between the MEREC result and the other ranks. It is for this reason that the criteria weights are ignored in the MEREC formula. Let’s point another considerable remark out. All the methods generate an alternative score between 0 and 1, except the EWPM (including the Null EWPM), the MOOSRA, and the COCOSO. Among these three methods, only the EWPM provide an inference guideline on the scores, i.e. categorizing the alternatives in weak, moderate, and strong classes.