1 June 2024
1 November 2024
22 November 2024
R. Krishankumar is an assistant professor of information technology systems and analytics area, Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya, Bodh Gaya 824234, Bihar, India. His area of interests is multi-criteria decision-making and soft computing. He has published more than 50 articles in peer reviewed journals and is a member of the editorial board of peer-reviewed journals. He has been nominated as one of the world’s top 2% scientists based on the data from Scopus and Stanford University.
A.R. Mishra has PhD in mathematics, and he is lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Govt. College Jaitwara, India. His main research interests are fuzzy sets theory, decision making, multicriteria decision making, uncertain IFSs, IVIFs, information measures, entropy measures, divergence measures and similarity and dissimilarity measures.
P, Rani has PhD in mathematics and she is lecturer in Marwadi University, Gujarat, India. Her main research interests are fuzzy sets theory, decision making, multi-criteria decision making, uncertain IFSs, IVIFs, information measures, entropy measures, divergence measures and similarity and dissimilarity measures.
F. Ecer received a PhD degree in operational research from the Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey, in 2007. He is a full professor of operational research with Afyon Kocatepe, Turkey. His current research interests are in decision analysis, multiple criteria decision making (MCDM), optimization methods, artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy set theory, grey set theory, soft computing, sustainability, renewable energy, transportation, and data mining. His work has been published, or is forthcoming, in high-quality international journals. As of 2022, he has an h-index of 26 (Scopus), 26 (Web of Science), and 41 (Google Scholar). Dr. Ecer has also been serving on the review board and editorial board for a number of SSCI/SCI/SCI-E/ESCI indexed journals in the world. According to Scopus and Stanford University, he has been among the world’s top 2% of scientists since 2020 in the annual and lifetime impact categories.
E.K. Zavadskas, PhD, DSc, Dr. habil, Dr. H. C. multi, prof. chief researcher of Institute of Sustainable Construction, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania. PhD in building structures (1973). Dr. Sc. (1987) in building technology and management. Dr. Habil (1993). Founder of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (1990). Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Science; member of several foreign Academies of Sciences; Honorary doctor from Poznan, Saint-Petersburg, and Kyiv universities. Member of international organizations; member of steering and programme committees at many international conferences; chairman of EUROWorking Group ORSDCE; associate editor, guest editor, or editorial board member for 40 international journals (Computers-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Automation in Construction, Informatica, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Symmetry, Sustainability, Applied Intelligence, Energy, Entropy and other); author and co-author of more than 600 papers and a number of monographs in Lithuanian, English, German and Russian. Founding editor of journals Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, International Journal of Strategic Property Management. He was a highly cited researcher in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2020. Research interests: multi-criteria decision making, civil engineering, sustainable development, fuzzy multi-criteria decision making.
K.S. Ravichandran recently joined AmritaVishwaVidyapeetham in Coimbatore as a distinguished professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Tamil Nadu, India. Prior to this appointment, he held the position of the registrar at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), an Institute of National Importance under the Government of India located in Sriperumbudur, Kancheepuram. Additionally, he served as an associate dean of research at SASTRA University in Thanjavur, India. After obtaining his master’s degree in computer applications (MCA) and master of science in mathematics (MSc), prof. Ravichandran completed his PhD in mathematics at Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India. His academic contributions are notable, with a publication record of more than 200 research articles. Among these, over 185 are indexed in SCOPUS, and more than 95 are indexed in SCI/SCIE/ABDC journals, boasting an average impact factor exceeding 4.25 and an H-index of 31. Professor Ravichandran specializes in various domains such as medical image processing, machine learning, deep learning, multi-criteria decision-making, and computational intelligence and its applications. He completed two research-funded projects as principle investigator worth INR 78 Lakhs. He currently serves as an associate editor for the International Journal of Information Technology, a SCOPUS-indexed journal published by Springer. Moreover, he actively contributes as a reviewer for over 50 SCI/SCIE-indexed journals.
A.H. Gandomi is a professor of data science and an ARC DECRA fellow at the Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. He is also affiliated with Obuda University, Budapest, as a Distinguished Professor. Prior to joining UTS, prof. Gandomi was an assistant professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology and a distinguished research fellow at BEACON Center, Michigan State University. Prof. Gandomi has published over three hundred journal papers and 12 books, which have collectively been cited 60,000 times. He has been named as one of the most influential scientific minds and received the Highly Cited Researcher award (top 1% publications and 0.1% researchers) from Web of Science for six years. In a recent study at Stanford University, released by Elsevier, prof. Amir H. Gandomi is ranked 24th most impactful researcher in the AI and Image Processing subfield in 2023! He also ranked 18th in GP bibliography among more than 17,000 researchers. He has received multiple prestigious awards for his research excellence and impact, such as the 2024 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (MCR), the 2023 Achenbach Medal, and the 2022 Walter L. Huber Prize, the highest-level mid-career research award in all areas of civil engineering. He has served as associate editor, editor, and guest editor in several prestigious journals, such as AE of IEEE Networks and IEEE IoTJ. Prof. Gandomi is active in delivering keynotes and invited talks. His research interests are global optimisation and (big) data analytics using machine learning and evolutionary computations in particular.