A simulation of microprocessor systems for parameter measurements of thermophysical processes
Volume 5, Issues 3-4 (1994), pp. 351–363
Pub. online: 1 January 1994
Type: Research Article
1 January 1994
1 January 1994
The structure of a multimicroprocessor systems (MS) of M microprocessors (MP) and N blocks of random access memory (RAM) is presented. Probability techniques were applied to compile mathematical models which reflect random processes both in the whole structure and in its surroundings, as well as the links in the system units, specific operation features of the MP and the different data flows.
An analysis indicates that by simulations of MS in the preliminary and in the engineering stages of their design, when their behavior can be related to arbitrary parameters, universal evaluations of their operation can be achieved, lots of time, finance and human efforts can be saved.