1 Introduction
Routing problems are combinatorial optimization problems that are concerned with designing a set of routes for a fleet of salesmen or vehicles, in order to satisfy customer demand. These problems have broad applicability in industry and constitute the core of the transportation and logistics companies. Two of the most common routing problems are the travelling salesman problem (TSP) (Lawler
et al.,
1985; Laporte,
1992a; Reinelt,
1994; Davendra,
2010) and the vehicle routing problem (VRP) (Laporte,
1992b; Toth and Vigo,
2002; Golden
et al.,
2008; Kumar and Panneerselvam,
2012). They are also two of the most challenging problems to solve.
In recent years, several interesting studies have considered a fleet of salesmen or vehicles to be located at several depots from where requests or distribution of goods to customers is made (Montoya-Torres
et al.,
2015; Ramos
et al.,
2020). Multi-depot routing problems can be classified as non-fixed-destination (where the salesmen or vehicles can return to any depot) or as fixed-destination (where the vehicles return to their starting points) (Bektaş,
2012). For a review of work on multi-depot routing problems, please see Montoya-Torres
et al. (
The case of fixed-destination in multi-depot routing problems is an important feature that has been studied in different applications. These include the fixed-destination multiple travelling salesman problems (Burger
et al.,
2018), the symmetric generalized multiple-depot multiple travelling salesman problem (Malik
et al.,
2007), the postal distribution problem, the less-than-truckload transport operations, and balance billing-cycle vehicle routing problems (Bektaş,
In this paper, we study the fixed-destination multi-depot asymmetric travelling salesman problem (FD-mATSP), which can be defined as follows: Given a complete graph with vertex set $N=D\cup C$, where the first $|D|$ nodes of $N=\{1,\dots ,n\}$ comprise a set of depots having ${m_{d}}$ salesmen located initially at depot $d\in D$; and where $C=\{|D|+1,|D|+2,\dots ,n\}$ comprises the set of customers to be visited, and given an asymmetric distance matrix $[{c_{ij}}]$, find $m={\textstyle\sum _{d\in D}}{m_{d}}$ tours, with ${m_{d}}$ tours starting and ending at depot $d\in D$, while collectively having visited a customer i exactly once, $\forall i\in C$, such that the total distance travelled is minimized.
Less than a handful of compact formulations for the FD-mATSP are reported in the literature. Typically, these formulations incorporate three components: routing, subtour elimination constraints (SECs), and fixed-destination constraints (FDCs). The first component enforces vehicles to depart and return to the depots after visiting each client exactly once, while the second component prohibits cycles in the solution. The last component ensures that the salesmen return to their origins. Kara and Bektaş (
2006) used a set of three-index binary variables to capture the routing and fixed-destination components. Then, Bektaş (
2012) introduced a set of two-index binary variables to capture the routing part and a set of three-index continuous variables to model the fixed-destination component. Later, Burger
et al. (
2018) extended the work presented in Burger (
2014) and introduced a set of two-index binary variables to capture the routing of vehicles and an additional novel set of two-index variables to label the nodes in order to identify the ones belonging to the same tour, and thereby enforcing the fixed-destination requirements.
In this paper, we formulate a new model for the FD-mATSP, which exploits the multi-depot aspect of the problem and uses two-index variables to label the arcs in order to enforce the fixed-destination requirement, which was motivated by the work reported in Aguayo (
2016). Bektaş
et al. (
2020) have independently developed this formulation for the FDCs. We call this formulation the “arc labelled formulation” (ALF). Bektaş
et al. (
2020) also propose a “path labelled formulation” (PLF). However, in this paper, we consider only the ALF because of the inapplicability of the PLF to the variants of the FD-mATSP that we address. For a relative performance of these two formulations to solve the FD-mATSP, see Bektaş
et al. (
2020). In this paper, we present a computational investigation on the performance of the ALF, the two-index formulation of Burger
et al. (
2018), and the three-index formulation of Bektaş (
2012) to capture the FDCs, along with some underlying insights. The two variants of the FD-mATSP that we consider are as follows. In the first variant, the nodes are split into pick-up customers and delivery customers. Each depot has only one capacitated vehicle available and an initial inventory of a product. The quantities collected from pick-up customers can be supplied to any delivery customer. Also, a transshipment is allowed at pick-up customizer locations, while a delivery customer is visited only once. The problem is to determine vehicle routes to meet customer demands with vehicles not exceeding their respective capacities and returning to their starting depots after incurring minimum total cost. In the second variant, given a set of identical vehicles at each depot, which might differ in number, a set of customers with known quantities of products for pick-up, and a set of transfer points to enable transfer of products among vehicles, the problem is to determine vehicle routes to pick up products from all the customers such that the vehicles return to their starting depots and the total cost incurred is minimized.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
2, we present the existing and proposed formulations for the FD-mATSP. In Section
3, we extend our formulation to two new variants of the FD-mATSP in order to show its versatility. In Section
4, we present results of our computational investigation of the proposed formulation. Concluding remarks are made in Section
2 Mathematical Formulations for the FD-mATSP
In this section, we first present a general formulation for the FD-mATSP in Section
2.1, while in Section
2.2, we present some pertinent polynomial-length subtour elimination constraints (SECs). We present a three-index formulation due to Bektaş
et al. (
2020) and a two-index formulation due to Burger
et al. (
2018) for the FD-mATSP in Section
2.3. And finally, we introduce our compact two-index formulation for the FD-mATSP in Section
2.1 General Formulations for the FD-mATSP
First, consider the following notation. Let D be the set of depots, $D=\{1,\dots ,|D|$}, C be the set of customers to be visited, $C=\{|D|+1,\dots ,n\}$, where n is the total number of nodes, and $N=\{1,\dots ,n\}$ be the set of nodes, $N=\{D\cup C\}$. Furthermore, let ${c_{ij}}$ be the distance from node i to node j, $(i,j)\in N$, $i\ne j$ and ${m_{d}}$ be the number of salesmen located at depot $d\in D$. Note that ${c_{ij}}$, $i,j\in D$ are not defined since flow from a depot to another depot and to itself is not permitted; however, we can let ${c_{ij}}=\infty $, $i,j\in D$.
We define the following decision variable. Let
${x_{ij}}=1$ if arc
$(i,j)$ is used in the solution, and equal to 0, otherwise,
$\forall (i,j)\in N$. The general formulation for the FD-mATSP is as follows:
The objective function (
1) minimizes the total distance travelled, while Constraints (
2) and (
3), respectively, enforce that
${m_{d}}$ salesmen depart and return to depot
$\forall d\in D$. Constraints (
4) prohibit a tour with a unique customer. Constraints (
5) and (
6) assure that each customer is visited and departed exactly once, and Constraints (
7) define the domain of decision variables. Constraints (
8) are the subtour elimination constraints (SECs) which prohibit disconnected cycles, and Constraints (
9) are the fixed-destination constraints (FDCs) enforcing the salesmen to return to their starting depots. Next, we present both polynomial-length SECs and FDCs for the FD-mATSP. Exponential-length SECs and FDCs are described in Burger
et al. (
2018) and Bektaş (
2.2 Compact SECs
${u_{i}}$ indicate a real number representing the order in which a customer
i is visited in an optimal tour, Kara and Bektaş (
2006) adapt the MTZ-SECs to multi depot travelling salesman problem as follows:
K and
L are the minimum and the maximum number of nodes a salesman can visit, respectively. We assume
$K=2$ and that there is no restriction on
L. In this case, we can set
$L=|C|-2({\textstyle\sum _{d\in D}}{m_{d}}-1)$. Constraints (
10) are used to break any infeasible subtours. Constraints (
11) and (
13) collectively impose the bounding limitations.
${y_{ij}}$ be the flow on arc
$i\ne j$,
$\forall i,j\in N$, we can adapt the single commodity flow-based SECs proposed by Gavish and Graves (
1978) as follows:
Constraints (
19) impose the connectivity of the graph induced by the
x-variables. Consequently, a path defined by the flow variables
${y_{ij}}$ exists starting from each depot,
$d\in D$, and terminating at that depot after visiting some customers in
C. This is achieved by pushing one unit of flow from depots to customers. Constraints (
16), respectively, impose the load balancing restrictions that each path carries at most
L and at least
K units of flow. Finally, Constraints (
17) ensure that each customer appears on a path that start from a depot and converges at it by maintaining the flow of a unit commodity.
2.3 Compact FDCs
${z_{ij}^{d}}$ be the flow on arc
$(i,j)$ from depot
$\forall i,j\in N$,
$i\ne j$,
$\forall d\in D$, Bektaş (
2012) propose the following FDCs (FDCs1 from now on):
Constraints (
24) impose the fixed-destination feature of the problem by requiring
${m_{d}}$ units of flow to leave and come back to each depot
d using only those arcs for which
${k_{i}}$ be a variable that indicates the label assigned to customer
$\forall i\in N$, Burger
et al. (
2018) introduce the following FDCs (FDCs2 from now on):
Constraints (
27) label the nodes visited from each
$d\in D$ based on the particular index
d so that an exchange of salesmen among depots leads to a contradiction. Constraints (
28) capture the domain of the decision variables.
2.4 Proposed FDCs
${y^{\prime }_{ij}}$ be a variable that indicates the label assigned to arc
$i\ne j$,
$\forall i,j\in N$, we propose the following FDCs (FDCs3 from now on):
A label
d is assigned to all the salesmen leaving from depot
d, and this label is used as a flow that is maintained throughout the tours of the salesmen from that depot. To this end, Constraints (
29) enforce flow to only occur on arcs for which
${x_{ij}}>0$. Constraints (
30) and (
31) enforce
d units to depart and return to each base using those arcs for which
${x_{di}}>0$ and
$\forall d\in D$,
$\forall i\in C$, respectively. Constraints (
32) are the standard flow conservation constraints, and Constraints (
33) represent the domain of the
${y^{\prime }_{ij}}$-variables. Note that FDCs2 labels the nodes, while FDCs3 labels the arcs visited by each
$d\in D$.
Lemma 1.
FDCs3 is equivalent to FDCs1.
We prove this claim by verifying the equivalence between FDCs1 and FDCs3. If we let
${y^{\prime }_{ij}}={\textstyle\sum _{d\in D}}d{z_{ij}^{d}}$,
$\forall i,j\in N$, then,
${y^{\prime }_{ij}}$,
$\forall i,j\in N$, satisfy Constraints (
33). Similarly, a feasible path for a
d in FDCs3 is equivalent to setting
$\forall i,j$, on this path, and
${z_{ij}^{d}}=0$, otherwise,
$\forall d\in D$. Consequently,
$\forall i,j\in N$,
$\forall d\in D$, will satisfy Constraints (
24). Hence, FDCs1 and FDCs3 are equivalent. □
From now on, we will use the following notation to refer to different formulations. Note that in all cases we use the GG-SECs, (
19, since they outperform or perform similarly than the other SECs.
MCF: refers to the multi-commodity formulation reported in Bektaş (
2012) based on FDCs1; (
7), (
19), (
NLF: indicates the node-labelling formulation presented in Burger
et al. (
2018) based on FDCs2; (
7), (
19), (
ALF: denotes the arc-labelling formulation introduced in this paper based on FDCs3; (
7), (
19), (
We establish the following analytical comparison between these formulations in terms of the strength of their linear programming (LP) relaxations.
Lemma 2.
The (LP) relaxation of none of the formulations ALF, NLF, and MCF is tighter than the other.
We prove this claim by showing that any of these formulations dominates the other depending upon the problem instance considered. We refer to the LP relaxation results for these formulations presented in Table
6. For Instance ftv47, (
${Z_{lp}}$), the LP bound of
NLF is strictly larger than that of
ALF. However, for Instance ft53, the LP bound of
ALF is strictly larger than that of
Regarding ALF and MCF, for Instance ftv47, the LP bound of MCF is strictly larger than that of ALF. However, for Instance ftv55 the LP bound of ALF is strictly larger than of MCF.
As regards MCF and NLF, again for Instance ftv47, the LP bound of MCF is strictly larger than that of NLF. However, for Instance ftv55 the LP bound of NLF is strictly larger than that of MCF. □