Pub. online:19 Aug 2024Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 35, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 601–616
One of the main trends for the monitoring and control of business processes is to implement these processes via private blockchain systems. These systems must ensure data privacy and verifiability for the entire network here denoted by ‘Net’. In addition, every business activity should be declared to a trusted third party (TTP), such as an Audit Authority (AA), for tax declaration and collection purposes.
We present a solution for a confidential and verifiable realization of transactions based on the Unspent Transaction Output (UTxO) paradigm. This means that the total sum of transaction inputs (incomes) $In$ must be equal to the total sum of transaction outputs (expenses) $Ex$, satisfying the balance equation $In=Ex$. Privacy in a private blockchain must be achieved through the encryption of actual transaction values. However, it is crucial that all participants in the network be able to verify the validity of the transaction balance equation. This poses a challenge with probabilistically encrypted data. Moreover, the inputs and outputs are encrypted with different public keys. With the introduction of the AA, the number of different public keys for encryption can be reduced to two. Incomes are encrypted with the Receiver’s public key and expenses with the AA’s public key.
The novelty of our realization lies in taking additively-multiplicative, homomorphic ElGamal encryption and integrating it with a proposed paradigm of modified Schnorr identification providing a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (NIZKP) using a cryptographically secure h-function. Introducing the AA as a structural element in a blockchain system based on the UTxO enables effective verification of encrypted transaction data for the Net. This is possible because the proposed NIZKP is able to prove the equivalency of two ciphertexts encrypted with two different public keys and different actors.
This integration allows all users on the Net to check the UTxO-based transaction balance equation on encrypted data. The security considerations of the proposed solution are presented.
Volume 34, Issue 3 (2023), pp. 603–616
The article presents the tax declaration scheme using blockchain confidential transactions based on the modified ElGamal encryption providing additively-homomorphic property. Transactions are based on the unspent transactions output (UTxO) paradigm allowing to effectively represent digital asset of cryptocurrencies in e-wallets and to perform financial operations. The main actors around transaction are specified, include money senders, receivers, transaction creator, Audit Authority (AA) and Net of users. A general transaction model with M inputs and N outputs is created, providing transaction amount confidentiality and verifiability for all actors with different levels of available information.
The transaction model allows Net to verify the validity of a transaction, having access only to encrypted transaction data. Each money receiver is able to decrypt and verify the actual sum that is transferred by the sender. AA is provided with actual transaction values and is able to supervise the tax payments for business actors. Such information allows to verify the honesty of transaction data for each user role.
The security analysis of the scheme is presented, referencing to ElGamal security assumptions. The coalition attack is formulated and prevention of this attack is proposed. It is shown that transaction creation is effective and requires almost the same resources as multiple ElGamal encryption. In addition to ElGamal encryption of all income and expenses, an additional exponentiation operation with small exponents, representing transferred sums, is needed. AA computation resources are slightly larger, since they have to be adequate for search procedures in the small range from 1 to ${2^{32}}-1=4294967295$ for individual money transfers.
Pub. online:17 Jun 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 365–397
Blockchain is gaining traction for improving the security of healthcare applications, however, it does not become a silver bullet as various security threats are observed in blockchain-based applications. Moreover, when performing the security risk management (SRM) of blockchain-based applications, there are conceptual ambiguities and semantic gaps that hinder from treating the security threats effectively. To address these issues, we present a blockchain-based healthcare security ontology (HealthOnt) that offers coherent and formal information models to treat security threats of traditional and blockchain-based applications. We evaluate the ontology by performing the SRM of a back-pain patient’s healthcare application case. The results show that HealthOnt can support the iterative process of SRM and can be continually updated when new security threats, vulnerabilities, or countermeasures emerge. In addition, the HealthOnt may assist in the modelling and analysis of real-world situations while addressing important security concerns from the perspective of stakeholders. This work can help blockchain developers, practitioners, and other associated stakeholders to develop secure blockchain-based healthcare applications in the early stages.
Pub. online:8 Feb 2021Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 32, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 321–355
Voting systems are as useful as people are willing to use them. Although many electronic election schemes have been proposed through the years, and some real case scenarios have been tested, people still do not trust electronic voting. Voting is not only about technological challenges but also about credibility, therefore, we propose a voting system focused on trust. We introduce political parties as active partners in the elections as a mechanism to encourage more traditional electors to participate. The system we propose here preserves elector’s privacy, it operates publicly through a blockchain and it is auditable by third parties.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2019Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 729–748
In this paper, we present the progress of blockchain technology from the advent of the original publication titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” written by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, until the current days. Historical background and a comprehensive overview of the blockchain technology are given. We provide an up-to-date comparison of the most popular blockchain platforms with particular emphasis given to consensus protocols. Additionally, we introduce a BlockLib, an extensively growing online library on blockchain platforms collected from the various sources and designed to enable contributions from the blockchain community. Main directions of the current blockchain research, facing challenges as well as the main fields of applications, are summarized. We also layout the possible future lines in the blockchain technology development.