1 December 2021
1 May 2022
17 June 2022
R. Matulevičius received his PhD diploma from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in computer and information science in 2005. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Namur in Belgium from 2005 to 2009. From 2010 to 2018 he worked as an associate professor at the University of Tartu. Currently, Matulevičius holds a professor of information security position at the University of Tartu (Estonia). His research interests include security and privacy of information, security risk management, and model-driven security. His publication record includes more than 111 articles published in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and workshops. Matulevičius has been a program committee member (e.g. NordSec, PoEM, REFSQ, and CAiSE and others), steering committee member (e.g. BIR, ADBIS, Baltic DB&IS) at international conferences. Matulevičius is an editorial board member of the Requirements Engineering Journal (REEN, Springer), Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE, Springer) and a few other international journals. He is a co-editor of six books in the field of computer science and information systems, and an author of a book on “Fundamentals of Secure System Modelling” (Springer, 2017). Currently, he is involved in the SPARTA H2020 project (task: Privacy-by-Design) and is a principal researcher in the Erasmus+ projects on securing against phishing (CyberPhish) and blockchain skills development (CHAISE).
M. Iqbal began his PhD degree in computer science at the University of Tartu (UT), Estonia, in 2018 and has been working as a junior research fellow at the UT since 2019. M. Iqbal is also a member of UT’s highly recognized information security research group, where he conducts impactful research while also teaching two blockchain-related courses. His research interests include the security implications of blockchain systems and the implementation of a security risk management framework for blockchain systems, concentrating specifically on the security of blockchain-based decentralized applications. Currently, he is involved in the ERASMUS+ sectoral alliance program, CHAISE. He has co-authored 12+ research papers in premier journals and conferences.
E. Ammar Elhadjamor received her PhD in computer science from the University of Sousse in Tunisia. She is a contractual teacher of computer science at the Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de la Technologie, University of Sousse. She is a member of the RIADI laboratory. She has taught courses related to databases, business intelligence, data warehouse, algorithms and data mining. Her research interests include machine learning, business process management, process mining, e-Learning and e-Health.
S.A. Ghannouchi obtained her PhD in computer science from the University of Manouba in Tunisia and her HDR in enterprise computing from the University of Sousse in Tunisia. She is a full professor in business computing at the High Institute of Management of Sousse, in the University of Sousse. Her taught courses include: “Databases”, “Information systems”, “Software Engineering” and “Business Process Reengineering”. Her research interests include: software engineering and reengineering, business process modelling, business process management, process mining, e-learning and e-health.
M. Bakhtina received the MA degree in innovation and technology management from the University of Tartu (UT), Estonia. There, she is pursuing a PhD degree in computer science. Also, she is working as a junior research fellow with UT. Her research interests include the influence of technologies and digital products on organisations, particularly how intelligent systems should be managed in terms of information security and privacy.
S. Ghannouchi is a doctor of medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse since 1986, orthopedic surgeon since 1990 and professor of anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine of Sousse since 1995. He holds a PhD in biomechanics from the Ecole Supérieure d’Arts et Métier – Paris (1998). He also graduated with a degree in legal compensation for bodily injury from the Faculty of Medicine of Marseille (2008) and he is a judicial expert at the courts since 1995 and expert with the National Health Insurance Structure (CNAM) since 1991.