Pub. online:7 Dec 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 749–769
In this paper, we propose a light-weight electronic voting protocol. The approach used by our protocol to conceal the ballots does not imply encryption, and guarantees the privacy of the direction of the vote unless all the contestants (parties) agree to do so. Our method is based on the division of the ballot into different pieces of information, which separately reveal no information at all, and that can be latter aggregated to recover the original vote. We show that, despite its simplicity, this scheme is powerful, it does not sacrifice any of the security properties demanded in a formal electronic voting protocol, and, furthermore, even in post-quantum scenarios, neither the casted votes can be tampered with, nor the identity of any elector can be linked with the direction of her vote.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2019Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 30, Issue 3 (2019), pp. 595–612
Certificate-based cryptography (CB-PKC) is an attractive public key setting, which reduces the complexity of public key infrastructure in traditional public key settings and resolves the key escrow problem in ID-based public key settings. In the past, a large number of certificate-based signature and encryption schemes were proposed. Nevertheless, the security assumptions of these schemes are mainly relied on the difficulties of the discrete logarithm and factorization problems. Unfortunately, both problems will be resolved when quantum computers come true in the future. Public key cryptography from lattices is one of the important candidates for post-quantum cryptography. However, there is little work on certificate-based cryptography from lattices. In the paper, we propose a new and efficient certificate-based signature (CBS) scheme from lattices. Under the short integer solution (SIS) assumption from lattices, the proposed CBS scheme is shown to be existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attacks. Performance comparisons are made to demonstrate that the proposed CBS scheme from lattices is better than the previous lattice-based CBS scheme in terms of private key size and signature size.