Pub. online:1 Jan 2018Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 29, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 439–466
Ontology Driven Software Development (ODSD) combines traditional Model Based Software Development (MBSD) techniques with ontology technology in order to provide extensions to and advantages over MBSD. The goal of the paper is to identify current ODSD approaches and to provide qualitative and comparative analysis of the collection of identified approaches. Main research questions of the paper concern the ways of how ontologies are integrated to MBSD process and how their usage advances MBSD. Benefits and challenges of each of the discussed approaches are presented. The analysis is based on literature and projects reviews in the fields of ontology engineering, MBSD and ODSD. The result of the analysis provides understanding of what is the role of ontologies in ODSD and shows whether application of ontology technologies to the MBSD process gives rise to a new paradigm called consistency preserving software development or not.