Volume 20, Issue 3 (2009), pp. 439–460
Business rules are relatively new addition in the field of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, which are kind of business information systems, development. Recently some relevant enhancements of existing business information systems engineering methods were introduced, although there are still open issues of how business rules may be used and improve qualitative and quantitative attributes of such kind of information systems. The paper discusses existing business information systems engineering issues arising out of using business rules approach. The paper also introduces several ways of business rule involvement aiming at ensuring ERP systems development agility based on running researches in the field also carried out by the authors.
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2006), pp. 503–518
The quality of software engineering projects often suffers due to the large gap between the way stakeholders present their requirements and the way analysts capture and express those requirements. With this problem in mind the new method for business rules driven IS requirements specification has been developed. In this paper the architecture of the requirements repository, which is at the core of the proposed method, is presented. The repository model supports the storage and management of all components of the captured requirements, including functions, business decisions, data sources, conceptual data model elements, business rules and their templates. The important aspects of the specialised requirements specification tool implementation are also overviewed.