Pub. online:1 Jun 2023Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 34, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 271–283
We study an inventory control problem of a perishable product with a fixed short shelf life in Dutch retail practice. The demand is non-stationary during the week but stationary over the weeks, with mixed LIFO and FIFO withdrawal. The supermarket uses a service level requirement. A difficulty is that the age-distribution of products in stock is not always known. Hence, the challenge is to derive practical and efficient order policies that deal with situations where this information is either available or lacking. We present the optimal policy in case the age distribution is known, and compare it with benchmarks from literature. Three heuristics have been developed that do not require product age information, to align with the situation in practice. Subsequently, the performance of the heuristics is evaluated using demand patterns from practice. It appears that the so-called STIP heuristic (S for Total estimated Inventory of Perishables) provides the lowest cost and waste levels.
Volume 27, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 387–403
Operators of underground water supply networks are challenged with pipe replacement decisions, because pipes are subject to increased failure rates as they age and financial resources are often limited. We study the optimal replacement time and optimal number of pipe replacements such that the expected failure cost and replacement cost are minimized, while satisfying a budget constraint and incorporating uncoordinated and coordinated replacement. Results show that coordinated replacement is economically preferred to uncoordinated replacement. It depends on the size of the budget whether the increase in the number of pipe replacements is sufficient to reduce the total expected failure cost.
Volume 27, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 351–366
The iterative bisection of the longest edge of the unit simplex generates a binary tree, where the specific shape depends on the chosen longest edges to be bisected. In global optimization, the use of various distance norms may be advantageous for bounding purposes. The question dealt with in this paper is how the size of a binary tree generated by the refinement process depends on heuristics for longest edge selection when various distance norms are used. We focus on the minimum size of the tree that can be reached, how selection criteria may reduce the size of the tree compared to selecting the first edge, whether a predefined grid is covered and how unique are the selection criteria. The exact numerical values are provided for the unit simplex in 4 and 5-dimensional space.
Volume 26, Issue 4 (2015), pp. 649–662
A multitude of heuristic stochastic optimization algorithms have been described in literature to obtain good solutions of the box-constrained global optimization problem often with a limit on the number of used function evaluations. In the larger question of which algorithms behave well on which type of instances, our focus is here on the benchmarking of the behavior of algorithms by applying experiments on test instances. We argue that a good minimum performance benchmark is due to pure random search; i.e. algorithms should do better. We introduce the concept of the cumulative distribution function of the record value as a measure with the benchmark of pure random search and the idea of algorithms being dominated by others. The concepts are illustrated using frequently used algorithms.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 17–32
In several areas like Global Optimization using branch-and-bound methods, the unit n-simplex is refined by bisecting the longest edge such that a binary search tree appears. This process generates simplices belonging to different shape classes. Having less simplex shapes facilitates the prediction of the further workload from a node in the binary tree, because the same shape leads to the same sub-tree. Irregular sub-simplices generated in the refinement process may have more than one longest edge when . The question is how to choose the longest edge to be bisected such that the number of shape classes is as small as possible. We develop a Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithm to find the minimum number of classes in the refinement process. The developed B&B algorithm provides a minimum number of eight classes for a regular 3-simplex. Due to the high computational cost of solving this combinatorial problem, future research focuses on using high performance computing to derive the minimum number of shapes in higher dimensions.