Volume 7, Issue 3 (1996), pp. 337–348
In the application of Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition to block-angular linear programming problems with R natural blocks. it is possible to have from 1 to R subproblems structurally while solving all R independent subproblems computationally. Early literature on the topic was inconclusive regarding the relative merits of such formulations. This paper attempts clarification by characterizing the significance of the degree of decomposition as well as presenting extensive empirical results.
Volume 4, Issues 3-4 (1993), pp. 399–405
The existing decomposition technology of cooperative developments of multidiscipline technical complexes (MTC) don't provide global optimality die to the imposiolity of solving the problem of developing principles of local project solutions made by a dreat number of specialists of different branches of science. This problem is supposed to be solved by means of controlling of real-time of MTC space structural-parametric synthesis in terms of hierarchically organized variety of assumed scheme-structural and technological solutions. The basis algorithm: 1) realization method for a variety of possible structural organizations of a complex technical system in the form of a network analyzer; 2) method combining synthesis combinatorial operations and parametric operations in search for short routes of the developed network analyzer.
The algorithm eliminates the necessity for parametric optimization in macroparameters of all possible structural realizations of a complex systemleaving the best variant optimization.