Smart Farming (SF) has garnered interest from computer science researchers for its potential to address challenges in Smart Farming and Precision Agriculture (PA). This systematic review explores the application of Fuzzy Logic (FL) in these areas. Using a specific anonymous search method across five scientific web indexing databases, we identified relevant scholarly articles published from 2017 to 2024, assessed through the PRISMA methodology. Out of 830 selected papers, the review revealed four gaps in using FL to manage imprecise data in Smart Farming. This review provides valuable insights into FL for potential applications and areas needing further investigation in SF.
Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 1 (2005), pp. 45–60
In this paper we establish equivalence between a theory of fuzzy functional dependences and a fragment of fuzzy logic. We give away to interpret fuzzy functional dependences as formulas in fuzzy logic. This goal is realized in four steps. Truth assignment of attributes is defined in terms of closeness between two tuples in a fuzzy relation. A corresponding fuzzy formula is associated to a fuzzy functional dependence. It is proved that if a relation satisfies a fuzzy functional dependence, then the corresponding fuzzy formula is satisfied and vice verse. Finally, equivalence of a fuzzy formulas and a set fuzzy functional dependence is demonstrated. Thus we are in position to apply the rule of resolution from fuzzy logic, while calculating fuzzy functional dependences.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2018Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 29, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 1–20
Non-programmed decision-making is an activity that requires a number of methods to try to capture the rational behaviour of an aspirant in situations of uncertainty. Thus, there is a varied list of attributes, methods, and mechanisms that are intended to describe the way in which aspirants can be profiled. However, this modelling proves to be complex if it is approached in scenarios based on game mechanics from gamification. For this reason, the following article aims to contribute to the processes of selection of personnel delimited only to the making of non-programmed decisions, through the implementation of game mechanics. In order to model this selection, the purpose of the following study is to carry out the formulation of inference rules based on fuzzy logic in order to capture the tacit transfer of certain types of information in personnel selection processes and to determine aspects that allow the shaping of aspirants. Finally, the results and conclusions obtained are presented.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 113–137
This paper presents an adaptive image-watermarking technique based on just-noticeable distortion (JND) profile and fuzzy inference system (FIS) optimized with genetic algorithm (GA). Here it is referred to as the AIWJFG technique. During watermark embedding, it embeds a watermark into an image by referring the JND profile of the image so as to make the watermark more imperceptible. It employs image features and local statistics in the construction of an FIS, and then exploits the FIS to extract watermarks without original images. In addition, the FIS can be further optimized by a GA to improve its watermark-extraction performance remarkably. Experimental results demonstrate that the AIWJFG technique not only makes the embedded watermarks further imperceptible but also possesses adaptive and robust capabilities to resist on image-manipulation attacks being considered in the paper.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (2004), pp. 337–362
This paper develops a representation of multi‐model based controllers by using artificial intelligence typical structures. These structures will be neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic. The interpretation of multimodel controllers in an artificial intelligence frame will allow the application of each specific technique to the design of improved multimodel based controllers. The obtained artificial intelligence based multimodel controllers are compared with classical single model based ones. It is shown through simulation examples that a transient response improvement can be achieved by using multiestimation based techniques. Furthermore, a method for synthesizing multimodel based neural network controllers from already designed single model based ones is presented. The proposed methodology allows to extend the existing single model based neural controllers to multimodel based ones, extending the applicability of this kind of techniques to a more general type of controllers. Also, some applications of genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic to multimodel controller design are proposed. Thus, the mutation operation from genetic algorithms inspires a robustness test which consists of a random modification of the estimates which is used to select the estimates leading to the better identification performance towards parameterizing online the adaptive controller. Such a test is useful for plants operating in a noisy environment. The proposed robustness test improves the selection of the plant model used to parameterize the adaptive controller in comparison to classical multimodel schemes where the controller parameterization choice is basically taken based on the identification accuracy of each model. Moreover, the fuzzy logic approach suggests new ideas to the design of multiestimation structures which can be applied to a broad variety of adaptive controllers such as robotic manipulator controller design.