Volume 22, Issue 2 (2011), pp. 259–278
We consider that the outer hair cells of the inner ear together with the local structures of the basilar membrane, reticular lamina and tectorial membrane form the primary filters (PF) of the second order. Taking into account a delay in transmission of the excitation signal in the cochlea and the influence of the Reissner membrane, we design a signal filtering system consisting of the PF with the common PF of the neighboring channels. We assess the distribution of the central frequencies of the channels along the cochlea, optimal number of the PF constituting a channel, natural frequencies of the channels, damping factors and summation weights of the outputs of the PF. As an example, we present a filter bank comprising 20 Gaussian-type channels each consisting of five PF. The proposed filtering system can be useful for designing cochlear implants based on biological principles of signal processing in the cochlea.