Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2017), pp. 609–628
Fuzzy sets can be used in many old-fashioned aspects of our lives in order to reach better performance and make fairer judgments. Evaluation through examination is typically conducted by educational centers, and multiple choice question (MCQ) exams are widely applied to score the examinees. Since scoring is potentially a difficult process to judge, we propose to evaluate examinees by fuzzy evaluation method. This method can overcome the main shortcoming of the classical MCQs, i.e. the random selection of the choices. The evaluation of the proposed fuzzy MCQ is more accurate and its ranking of examinees is fairer than classical MCQ.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 597–610
The paper presents the process of the selection of a potential supplier, which have to be the most appropriate to stakeholders. The selection is based on a set of criteria: Delivery Price, Financial Position, Production Specifications, Standards and Relevant Certificates, Commercial Strength, and the Performance of supplier, etc. The criteria for evaluation and their importance are selected by taking into consideration the interests and goals of the stakeholders. The solution of problem was made by applying a new Additive Ratio ASsessment (ARAS) method with the grey criteria scores – ARAS-G method. The proposed technique could be applied to substantiate the selection of effective alternative of sustainable development, impact on environment, structures, technologies, investments, etc.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (2009), pp. 79–98
The objective of this paper is the description, justification, and web-based implementation of polynomial time algorithms for equilibrium search of Quadratic Bimatrix Games (QBG). An algorithm is proposed combining exact and heuristic parts. The exact part has the Irelevant Fraud (IF) component for cases when an equilibrium exists with no pure strategies. The Direct Search (DS) component finds a solution if an equilibrium exists in pure strategies. The heuristic Quadratic Strategy Elimination (QSE) part applies IF and DS to reduced matrices obtained by sequential elimination of strategies that lead to non-positive IF solutions. Finally, penalties needed to prevent unauthorized deals are calculated based on Nash axioms of two-person bargaining theory. In the numeric experiments QSE provided correct solution in all examples. The novel results include necessary and sufficient conditions when the QBG problem is solved by IF algorithm, the development of software and the experimental testing of large scale QBG problems up to n=800. The web-site includes this and accompanying optimization models.
Volume 19, Issue 2 (2008), pp. 303–314
Multi-criteria decision making is used in many areas of human activities. Each alternative in multi-criteria decision making problem can be described by a set of criteria. Criteria can be qualitative and quantitative. They usually have different units of measurement and different optimization direction. The normalization aims at obtaining comparable scales of criteria values. The normalization of criteria values is not always needed, but it may be essential. In the new program LEVI 3.1 the following normalization methods are possible: vector, linear scale, non-linear and new logarithmic techniques. Logarithmic normalization has never been used before. The present research is focused on introducing a new logarithmic method for decision making matrix normalization.
Volume 13, Issue 1 (2002), pp. 73–88
Two examples of open-loop differential games are considered in the paper. Starting with simplified dynamic Duel, further it was developed to differential economic Duel modelling problem.
The first example regards a “military” duel of two objects, the second one is about economic duel and presents the economic competition situation. In both cases Monte Carlo models are used. The search for equilibrium is performed by global optimization.
The military model is a convenient illustration of differential game theory. It is interesting for its dynamics, it can be used for teaching purposes. The economic model shows some important features of dynamic competition. In this case objects try to maximize their final profits at the end of the period. The destruction of competitor is a feasible option to achieve this purpose.
New numerical methods and software system for the Internet environment are developed to implement this theory.