Cited by 5
Efficient Adaptive In‐Place Radix Sorting

2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum
David J. Haglin, Robert D. Adolf, Greg E. Mackey
Conference:  (2013), p. 1656
Sorting and Goodness-of-Fit Tests of Uniformity in Random Number Generation
Thomas Morgenstern
Book:  (2009), p. 357
Fast In-place Integer Radix Sorting
Fouad El-Aker
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Computational Science – ICCS 2005) Volume 3516 (2005), p. 788
A radix sorting parallel algorithm suitable for graphic processing unit computing
Shi‐yang Xiao, Cai‐lin Li, Bao‐yun Guo, Han Xiao
Journal:  Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Volume 33, Issue 6 (2021)
Generic top-down discrimination for sorting and partitioning in linear time
Journal:  Journal of Functional Programming Volume 22, Issue 3 (2012), p. 300