Volume 20, Issue 4 (2009), pp. 539–554
Digital signal processing is one of the most powerful technologies, developed by achievements in science and electronics engineering. Achievements of this technology significantly influenced communications, medicine technique, radiolocation and other. Digital signal processors are usually used for effective solution of digital signal processing problems class. Today digital signal processors are widely used practically in all fields, in which information processing in real-time is needed. Creation of diagnostic medicine systems is one of perspective fields using digital signal processors. The aim of this work was to create digital mathematical model of blood circulation analysis system using digital signal processing instead of analogical nodes of device. In first stage – work algorithm of blood circulation analysis system and mathematical model of blood circulation analysis system in Matlab–Simulink environment was created. In second stage – mathematical model was tested experimentally. Mathematically imitated Doppler signal was sent to tissue and was reflected. The signal was processed in digitally, blood flow direction was marked and blood speed was evaluated. Experimentation was done with real signals that were recorded while investigating patients in eye clinics. Gained results confirmed adequacy of created mathematical model to real analogical blood circulation analysis system (Lizi et al., 2003).
Volume 14, Issue 3 (2003), pp. 349–356
Recently iterative procedure for the restoration of speech signals when prosodic elements: stress and accent, of comparatively long duration are missing was developed. Alternatively, it could be cast in a signal generation framework. Basing on that view the paper presents the efficient implementation scheme for the restoration of voiced speech signals. It enjoys parallel order of multirate processing utilizing interpolation and decimation filters parameterized by specific to problem coefficients. Presented simulation results confirm the feasibility of developed implementation.