Pub. online:22 May 2023Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 34, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 357–386
The Gene Ontology (GO) knowledge base provides a standardized vocabulary of GO terms for describing gene functions and attributes. It consists of three directed acyclic graphs which represent the hierarchical structure of relationships between GO terms. GO terms enable the organization of genes based on their functional attributes by annotating genes to specific GO terms. We propose an information-retrieval derived distance between genes by using their annotations. Four gene sets with causal associations were examined by employing our proposed methodology. As a result, the discovered homogeneous subsets of these gene sets are semantically related, in contrast to comparable works. The relevance of the found clusters can be described with the help of ChatGPT by asking for their biological meaning. The R package BIDistances, readily available on CRAN, empowers researchers to effortlessly calculate the distance for any given gene set.
Pub. online:14 Mar 2023Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 34, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 121–146
Experience shows that Agile project management tools such as Atlassian Jira capture the state of EAS projects by relying solely on expert judgement that is not supported by any knowledge model. Therefore, the assessment of project content against strategic objectives and business domain features are not supported by any tool. This is one of the reasons why Agile project management still does not provide sufficient EAS project delivery results. In order to address this problem, the Enterprise Application Software (EAS) development using Agile project management is summarized in a conceptual model. The model highlights the knowledge used and indicates its nature (empirical or causal digitized). The modified Agile management process we have developed and described in previous works is based on causal knowledge models that supports EAS development and Agile management processes. The purpose of this article is to specify knowledge repository to ensure the Agile management solutions of an EAS project are aligned with strategic goals and business domain causality. It is worth noticing that strategic goals have been identified and specified as capabilities using some enterprise architecture framework (NAF, MODAF, ArchiMate, etc.). The novelty of the proposed method is incorporating the business domain causal knowledge modelling approach into the Agile project management process. The causal knowledge unit is considered as a Management Transaction (MT), which includes closed loop dependence of its components. The modified Agile activity hierarchy (theme, initiative, epic, user story) defines the required content of their mutual interactions. An important new results obtained are the conceptual model of causal knowledge base (KB) and specification of enhanced Agile management tool components: project management database and project state assesment knowledge base. Causal KB includes specification of causal knowledge unit (MT metamodel) and specifications of traditional and causal Agile hierarchy meta-models. These conceptual models define the causal knowledge components necessary to evaluate the state of Agile activities in the EAS development project using intelligent Agile project management tool.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 3–22
The paper deals with the intelligent functional model for optimizing the product design and its manufacturing process in hybrid manufacturing systems consisting of people, machines and computers. The knowledge‐based framework of an intelligent functional model has been developed. It furnishes the possibility for a product designer and manufacturer to find an optimal production plan in the early stage of the product design. The mathematical model formalization is provided. A consecutive optimization scheme has been applied for selecting an optimal alternative of a product design and its production plan. The proposed model is being implemented both in industry and university education process.