Volume 12, Issue 3 (2001), pp. 347–372
This paper presents the set of verification rules to detect faults in specification of model of computerized information system. Computerized information system model is specified using Enterprise modeling approach, which integrates static and dynamic dependencies. Typical communication action loop is a basic construct of Enterprise modeling approach. Actions, which process data resources of computerized information system, are analyzed.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1998): Special Issue on Programming Theory, Information System Engineering, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 51–64
An extention of the QBE language in the form of graph queries is proposed for databases having complex schemata. These graph queries provide user interface for the ER model, like QBE queries provide user interface for the relational model. The implementation and usage of graph queries of ER-based “MicroPoisk” DBMS are presented.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (1995): Special Issue on Information Systems and Software Systems Engineering, pp. 445–456
The algebra–grammar model of user interface (UI) and the method of UI creation and updating by combining the visual formalisms are proposed. The UI building tools for applications of “MicroPoisk” DBMS are described. Special attention is paid to the requirements of the UI standards.