Pub. online:14 Mar 2023Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 34, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 121–146
Experience shows that Agile project management tools such as Atlassian Jira capture the state of EAS projects by relying solely on expert judgement that is not supported by any knowledge model. Therefore, the assessment of project content against strategic objectives and business domain features are not supported by any tool. This is one of the reasons why Agile project management still does not provide sufficient EAS project delivery results. In order to address this problem, the Enterprise Application Software (EAS) development using Agile project management is summarized in a conceptual model. The model highlights the knowledge used and indicates its nature (empirical or causal digitized). The modified Agile management process we have developed and described in previous works is based on causal knowledge models that supports EAS development and Agile management processes. The purpose of this article is to specify knowledge repository to ensure the Agile management solutions of an EAS project are aligned with strategic goals and business domain causality. It is worth noticing that strategic goals have been identified and specified as capabilities using some enterprise architecture framework (NAF, MODAF, ArchiMate, etc.). The novelty of the proposed method is incorporating the business domain causal knowledge modelling approach into the Agile project management process. The causal knowledge unit is considered as a Management Transaction (MT), which includes closed loop dependence of its components. The modified Agile activity hierarchy (theme, initiative, epic, user story) defines the required content of their mutual interactions. An important new results obtained are the conceptual model of causal knowledge base (KB) and specification of enhanced Agile management tool components: project management database and project state assesment knowledge base. Causal KB includes specification of causal knowledge unit (MT metamodel) and specifications of traditional and causal Agile hierarchy meta-models. These conceptual models define the causal knowledge components necessary to evaluate the state of Agile activities in the EAS development project using intelligent Agile project management tool.
Volume 32, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 247–281
The paper deals with the causality perspective of the Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks. The analysis showed that there is a gap between the capabilities of EA frameworks and the behavioural characteristics of the real world domain (enterprise management activities). The contribution of research is bridging the gap between enterprise domain knowledge and EA framework content by the integration of meta-models as part of EA structures. Meta-models that cover not only simple process flows, but also business behaviour, i.e. causality of the domain, have been developed. Meta-models enable to create a layer of knowledge in the EA framework, which ensures smart EA development, allows validation of developer decisions. Two levels of the enterprise causal modelling were obtained. The first level uses the Management Transaction (MT) framework. At the second level, deep knowledge was revealed using a framework called the Elementary Management Cycle (EMC). These two causal frameworks were applied here to justify the causal meta-models of the EA. The new concepts Collapsed Capability, Capability Type and Capability Role which meaningfully complement MODAF with causal knowledge are introduced. Strategic Viewpoint (StV) modelling using causal meta-models is described in detail and illustrated in the case study. The example provided shows a principled way that causal knowledge supports the verification and validation of EA solutions. The presented method provides an opportunity to move the EA development to smart platforms.
Extending Model-Driven Development Process with Causal Modeling Approach
Pub. online:25 Mar 2020Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 31, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 359–397
Public-private partnership (PPP) is regarded as an innovative way to the procurement of public projects. Models vary with PPP projects due to their differences. The evaluation criteria are usually complex and the judgments offered by decision makers (DMs) show the characteristics of fuzziness and uncertainty. Considering these cases, this paper first analyses the risk factors for PPP models and then proposes a new method for selecting them in the setting of single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy environment. To achieve these purposes, two single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy correlation coefficients are defined to measure evaluated PPP models. Considering the weights of the risk factors and their interactions, two single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy 2-additive Shapley weighted correlation coefficients are defined. When the 2-additive measure on the risk factor set is not exactly known, several distance measure-based programming models are constructed to determine it. Based on these results, an algorithm for evaluating PPP models with single-valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy information is developed. Finally, a practical numerical example is provided to verify the validity and feasibility of the new method.
The Requirements Enhancement Based on a Problem Domain Model
Jurij Tekutov, Julija Smirnova, Chhagan, P. Verma, T.N. Sasamal, M. Dua, A. Jain