Volume 20, Issue 1 (2009), pp. 139–150
Secure communication between set-top boxes (STBs) and smart cards is directly related to the benefit of the service providers and the legal rights of users, while key exchange is the essential part of a secure communication. In 2004, Jiang et al. proposed a key exchange protocol for STBs and smart cards based upon Schnorr's digital signature protocol and a one-way hash function. This paper, however, demonstrates that Jiang et al.'s protocol is vulnerable to an impersonation attack and does not provide perfect forward secrecy. In addition, in order to isolate such problems, we present a new secure key exchange protocol based on a one-way hash function and Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm.
Volume 17, Issue 4 (2006), pp. 519–534
This paper proposes a threshold key escrow scheme from pairing. It tolerates the passive adversary to access any internal data of corrupted key escrow agents and the active adversary that can make corrupted servers to deviate from the protocol. The scheme is secure against threshold adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack. The formal proof of security is presented in the random oracle model, assuming the decision Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem is computationally hard.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (2003), pp. 289–294
Smart card has been adopted to various applications. In 2000, Hwang and Li proposed a remote user authentication scheme, which is also using smart card. Nine months later, Chan and Cheng pointed out that there is a weakness in the remote authentication scheme proposed by Hwang and Li. In this paper, we show that Chan and Cheng's attack does not work well because they did not consider the format of user's identity. In addition, we propose several ways to solve the problem of Chan and Cheng's attack.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2003), pp. 195–204
In an internet environment, such as UNIX, a remote user has to obtain the access right from a server before doing any job. The procedure of obtaining acess right is called a user authentication protocol. User authentication via user memorable password provides convenience without needing any auxiliary devices, such as smart card. A user authentication protocol via username and password should basically withstand the off‐line password guessing attack, the stolen verifier attack, and the DoS attack. Recently, Peyravian and Zunic proposed one password transmission protocol and one password change protocol. Later, Tseng et al. (2001) pointed out that Peyravian and Zunic's protocols can not withstand the off‐line password guessing attack, and therefore proposed an improved protocol to defeat the attack. Independently, Hwang and Yeh also showed that Peyravian and Zunic's protocols suffer from some secury flaws, and an improved protocol was also presented. In this paper, we show that both Peyravian and Zunic's protocols and Tseng et al.'s improved protocol are insecure against the stolen verifier attack. Moreover, we show that all Peyravian and Zunic's, Tseng et al.'s, and Hwang and Yeh's protocols are insecure against DoS attack.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (2002), pp. 369–376
Recently, Park and Lim (1998) proposed two key distribution systems for secure VSAT satellite communications. One provides indirect authentication, and another scheme enables that two parties can directly authenticate each other. However, this article will show that the proposed schemes are insecure enough by presenting two impersonation attacks on them. Besides, an improved scheme will be proposed, which is secure against the impersonation attack and provides direct mutual authentication between two parties.