Cited by 13
Analysis of Structured Low Rank Approximation as an Optimization Problem

On the Least-Squares Fitting of Data by Sinusoids
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, Dmitri E. Kvasov, Marat S. Mukhametzhanov
Book:  Springer Optimization and Its Applications (Advances in Stochastic and Deterministic Global Optimization) Volume 107 (2016), p. 209
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
L. Condat, A. Hirabayashi, Y. Hironaga
Conference:  (2013), p. 6014
Parameter Estimation, Forecasting, Gap Filling
Nina Golyandina, Anton Korobeynikov, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
Book:  Use R! (Singular Spectrum Analysis with R) (2018), p. 121
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Laurent Condat, Akira Hirabayashi
Conference:  (2015), p. 459
AIP Conference Proceedings
Jonathan Gillard, Dmitri Kvasov, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
Conference:  AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1776 (2016), p. 060004
Global Optimization Challenges in Structured Low Rank Approximation
Jonathan Gillard, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Learning and Intelligent Optimization) Volume 10556 (2017), p. 326
Computation of the nearest non-prime polynomial matrix: Structured low-rank approximation approach
Tanay Saha, Swanand R. Khare
Journal:  Linear Algebra and its Applications Volume 616 (2021), p. 84
Low rank approximation of the symmetric positive semidefinite matrix
Xuefeng Duan, Jiaofen Li, Qingwen Wang, Xinjun Zhang
Journal:  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 260 (2014), p. 236
Novel alternating update method for low rank approximation of structured matrices
Jianchao Bai, Jicheng Li, Pingfan Dai
Journal:  Applied Numerical Mathematics Volume 121 (2017), p. 223
Optimal rank-1 Hankel approximation of matrices: Frobenius norm and spectral norm and Cadzow's algorithm
Hanna Knirsch, Markus Petz, Gerlind Plonka
Journal:  Linear Algebra and its Applications Volume 629 (2021), p. 1
Optimization challenges in the structured low rank approximation problem
Jonathan Gillard, Anatoly Zhigljavsky
Journal:  Journal of Global Optimization Volume 57, Issue 3 (2013), p. 733
Stochastic algorithms for solving structured low-rank matrix approximation problems
J.W. Gillard, A.A. Zhigljavsky
Journal:  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Volume 21, Issue 1-3 (2015), p. 70
Weighted norms in subspaceā€based methods for time series analysis
J. W. Gillard, A. A. Zhigljavsky
Journal:  Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications Volume 23, Issue 5 (2016), p. 947