Cited by 3
One-Round ID-Based Threshold Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings

Dynamic threshold secret reconstruction and its application to the threshold cryptography
Lein Harn, Ching-Fang Hsu
Journal:  Information Processing Letters Volume 115, Issue 11 (2015), p. 851
Fully distributed identity-based threshold signatures with identifiable aborts
Yan Jiang, Youwen Zhu, Jian Wang, Xingxin Li
Journal:  Frontiers of Computer Science Volume 17, Issue 5 (2023)
How to Share Secret Efficiently over Networks
Lein Harn, Ching-Fang Hsu, Zhe Xia, Junwei Zhou
Journal:  Security and Communication Networks Volume 2017 (2017), p. 1