Cited by 6
Requirements Elicitation in the Context of Enterprise Engineering: A Vision Driven Approach

Views to Legal Information Systems and Legal Sublevels
Vytautas Čyras, Friedrich Lachmayer, Erich Schweighofer
Book:  Communications in Computer and Information Science (Information and Software Technologies) Volume 639 (2016), p. 18
Different Views to Legal Information Systems: Separate Legal Meanings and Legal Sublevels
Vytautas Cyras, Friedrich Lachmayer
Book:  Law, Governance and Technology Series (Essays on the Visualisation of Legal Informatics) Volume 54 (2023), p. 165
Formulating the Compliance Problem
Vytautas Cyras, Friedrich Lachmayer
Book:  Law, Governance and Technology Series (Essays on the Visualisation of Legal Informatics) Volume 54 (2023), p. 227
A step-by-step methodology for enterprise interoperability projects
Ricardo Chalmeta, Verónica Pazos
Journal:  Enterprise Information Systems Volume 9, Issue 4 (2015), p. 436
Pub. online: 24 Sep 2020      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Informatica Volume 31, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 579–595
SCIF-IRIS framework: a framework to facilitate interoperability in supply chains
Verónica Pazos Corella, Ricardo Chalmeta Rosaleñ, David Martínez Simarro
Journal:  International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Volume 26, Issue 1-2 (2013), p. 67