Pub. online:6 Dec 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 33, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 795–832
Intonation is a complex suprasegmental phenomenon essential for speech processing. However, it is still largely understudied, especially in the case of under-resourced languages, such as Lithuanian. The current paper focuses on intonation in Lithuanian, a Baltic pitch-accent language with free stress and tonal variations on accented heavy syllables. Due to historical circumstances, the description and analysis of Lithuanian intonation were carried out within different theoretical frameworks and in several languages, which makes them hardly accessible to the international research community. This paper is the first attempt to gather research on Lithuanian intonation from both the Lithuanian and the Western traditions, the structuralist and generativist points of view, and the linguistic and modelling perspectives. The paper identifies issues in existing research that require special attention and proposes directions for future investigations both in linguistics and modelling.
Analysis of Inter-Pausal Units in Indian Languages and Its Application to Text-to-Speech Synthesis
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
Volume 27,
Issue 10
p. 1616
Assessing the impact of the spatial arrangement of agricultural practices on pesticide runoff in small catchments: Combining hydrological modeling and supervised learning
J. Wohlfahrt, F. Colin, Z. Assaghir, C. Bockstaller