Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 1 (2005), pp. 107–120
When handling engineering problems associated with optimal alternative selection a researcher often deals with not sufficiently accurate data. The alternatives are usually assessed by applying several different criteria. A method takes advantage of the relationship between fuzzy sets and matrix game theories can be offered for multicriteria decision-making. Practical investigations have already been discussed for selecting the variants water supply systems.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2017), pp. 609–628
Fuzzy sets can be used in many old-fashioned aspects of our lives in order to reach better performance and make fairer judgments. Evaluation through examination is typically conducted by educational centers, and multiple choice question (MCQ) exams are widely applied to score the examinees. Since scoring is potentially a difficult process to judge, we propose to evaluate examinees by fuzzy evaluation method. This method can overcome the main shortcoming of the classical MCQs, i.e. the random selection of the choices. The evaluation of the proposed fuzzy MCQ is more accurate and its ranking of examinees is fairer than classical MCQ.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (2013), pp. 153–168
Grey numbers facilitate the representation of uncertainty not only for elements of a set, but also the set itself as a whole. This paper utilizes the notion of possibility degree from grey system theory coupled with the idea of dominance relation and partial order set (poset) from rough theory to represent uncertain information in a manner that maintains the degree of uncertainty of information for each tuple of the original data. Concept lattices of grey information system are constructed and a decision-making algorithm that combines with grey relational grade is described. A case study is used to demonstrate the supplier selection problem applying the proposed method. The research has concluded that the method is appropriate to use.
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2006), pp. 39–54
The asynchronous techniques that exist within the programming with distributed constraints are characterized by the occurrence of the nogood values during the search for the solution. The nogood type messages are sent among the agents with the purpose of realizing an intelligent backtrack and of ensuring the algorithm's completion.
In this article we analyzed the way in which a technique of obtaining efficient nogood values could combine with a technique of storing these values. In other words we try combining the resolvent-based learning technique introduced by Yokoo with the nogood processor technique in the case of asynchrounous weak-commitment search algorithm (AWCS). These techniques refer to the possibility of obtaining efficient nogoods, respectively to the way the nogood values are stored and the later use of information given by the nogoods in the process of selecting a new value for the variables associated to agents. Starting from this analysis we proposed certain modifications for the two known techniques.
We analyzed the situations in which the nogoods are distributed to more nogood processors handed by certain agents. We proposed a solution of distributing the nogood processors to the agents regarding the agents' order, with the purpose of reducing the storing and searching costs. We also analyzed the benefits the combining of nogood processor technique with the resolved-based learning technique could bring to the enhancement of the performance of AWCS technique. Finally, we analyzed the behavior of the techniques obtained in the case of messages filtering.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (1991), pp. 278–310
In general terms some situations are described which require the exploitation of heuristics either to solve a mathematical optimization problem or to analyse results. A possibility to implement heuristic knowledge for selecting a suitable algorithm depending on available problem data and information retrieved from the user, is investigated in detail. We describe some inference strategies and knowledge representations that can be used in this case, and the rule-based implementation within the EMP system for nonlinear programming. Case studies are presented which outline on the one hand the heuristic recommendation of an optimization code and the achieved numerical results on the other hand.