Cited by 4
Investigation of Examples of E-education Environment for Scientific Collaboration and Distance Graduate Studies. Part 2

System Architecture Model Based on Service-Oriented Architecture Technology
Tarkan Gurbuz, Daina Gudoniene, Danguole Rutkauskiene
Book:  Communications in Computer and Information Science (Information and Software Technologies) Volume 403 (2013), p. 102
ICT Architecture for Online Learning Approach
Danguole Rutkauskiene, Daina Gudoniene, Gytis Cibulskis, Oleksandr Suk
Book:  Communications in Computer and Information Science (Information and Software Technologies) Volume 319 (2012), p. 373
Methods and Technologies for ICT Workers Virtual Mobility
Danguole Rutkauskiene, Daina Gudoniene
Book:  Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (Smart Education and Smart e-Learning) Volume 41 (2015), p. 459
An educational software tool to teach hyper‐heuristics to engineering students based on the bubble breaker puzzle
S. Salcedo‐Sanz, S. Jiménez‐Fernández, J. M. Matías‐Román, J. A. Portilla‐Figueras
Journal:  Computer Applications in Engineering Education Volume 23, Issue 2 (2015), p. 277