Cited by 14
Multiple Shift Scheduling of Hierarchical Workforce with Multiple Work Centers

AIP Conference Proceedings
Turgay Türker, Ayhan Demiriz
Conference:  AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1739 (2016), p. 020048
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM)
Nasr Al-Hinai, Sujan Piya
Conference:  (2015), p. 1
A Systematic Literature Review for Personnel Scheduling Problems
Emir Hüseyin Özder, Evrencan Özcan, Tamer Eren
Journal:  International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making Volume 19, Issue 06 (2020), p. 1695
A two-stage solution approach for personalized multi-department multi-day shift scheduling
Sana Dahmen, Monia Rekik, François Soumis, Guy Desaulniers
Journal:  European Journal of Operational Research Volume 280, Issue 3 (2020), p. 1051
Application of Linear Programming in Optimizing Labour Scheduling
Osama Yaseen M. Al-Rawi, Taniya Mukherjee
Journal:  Journal of Mathematical Finance Volume 09, Issue 03 (2019), p. 272
Batch Scheduling for Work Centers with Multiple Manufacturing Machines under the Parallel-Sequence-transfer Mode
Shichao Luan, Jili Kong, Jinglun He
Journal:  Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 2694, Issue 1 (2024), p. 012061
Designing an annual leave scheduling policy: Case of a financial center
Gonca Yıldırım, Ayyuce Aydemir-Karadag
Journal:  Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization Volume 18, Issue 4 (2022), p. 2927
Multi-skilled workforce scheduling with training and welfare considerations
Diana A. Peña, Andrés F. Osorio, Juan P. Orejuela, Juan C. Idarraga
Journal:  Engineering Management in Production and Services Volume 15, Issue 3 (2023), p. 27
Personnel scheduling: A literature review
Jorne Van den Bergh, Jeroen Beliën, Philippe De Bruecker, Erik Demeulemeester, Liesje De Boeck
Journal:  European Journal of Operational Research Volume 226, Issue 3 (2013), p. 367
Shift Scheduling with Fuzzy Logic: An Application with an Integer Programming Model
Muhittin Sagnak, Yigit Kazancoglu
Journal:  Procedia Economics and Finance Volume 26 (2015), p. 827
Shift rostering using decomposition: assign weekend shifts first
Egbert van der Veen, Erwin W. Hans, Gerhard F. Post, Bart Veltman
Journal:  Journal of Scheduling Volume 18, Issue 1 (2015), p. 29
Staff Task-Based Shift Scheduling Solution with an ANP and Goal Programming Method in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant
Emir Hüseyin Özder, Evrencan Özcan, Tamer Eren
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 7, Issue 2 (2019), p. 192
Sustainable personnel scheduling supported by an artificial neural network model in a natural gas combined cycle power plant
Emir Hüseyin Özder, Evrencan Özcan, Tamer Eren
Journal:  International Journal of Energy Research Volume 44, Issue 9 (2020), p. 7525
Workforce capacity planning with hierarchical skills, long-term training, and random resignations
Christian Ruf, Jonathan F. Bard, Rainer Kolisch
Journal:  International Journal of Production Research Volume 60, Issue 2 (2022), p. 783