Volume 8, Issue 1 (1997), pp. 119–138
An overview and comparison of mobile agent systems are presented. The rapidly evolving area of software agents is briefly overviewed. The notion of mobility is analyzed in the context of mobile code languages, and its relation to distributed computing (e.g., client–server model), as well as its possible application areas are studied. Finally the need for a combination of mobility with other features is discussed.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (1996), pp. 281–294
This paper deals with load balancing of parallel algorithms for distributed-memory computers. The parallel versions of BLAS subroutines for matrix-vector product and LU factorization are considered. Two task partitioning algorithms are investigated and speed-ups are calculated. The cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous collections of computers/processors are studied, and special partitioning algorithms for heterogeneous workstation clusters are presented.