Volume 25, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 113–137
This paper presents an adaptive image-watermarking technique based on just-noticeable distortion (JND) profile and fuzzy inference system (FIS) optimized with genetic algorithm (GA). Here it is referred to as the AIWJFG technique. During watermark embedding, it embeds a watermark into an image by referring the JND profile of the image so as to make the watermark more imperceptible. It employs image features and local statistics in the construction of an FIS, and then exploits the FIS to extract watermarks without original images. In addition, the FIS can be further optimized by a GA to improve its watermark-extraction performance remarkably. Experimental results demonstrate that the AIWJFG technique not only makes the embedded watermarks further imperceptible but also possesses adaptive and robust capabilities to resist on image-manipulation attacks being considered in the paper.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 127–142
The JPEG image is the most popular file format in relation to digital images. However, up to the present time, there seems to have been very few data hiding techniques taking the JPEG image into account. In this paper, we shall propose a novel high capacity data hiding method based on JPEG. The proposed method employs a capacity table to estimate the number of bits that can be hidden in each DCT component so that significant distortions in the stego‐image can be avoided. The capacity table is derived from the JPEG default quantization table and the Human Visual System (HVS). Then, the adaptive least‐significant bit (LSB) substitution technique is employed to process each quantized DCT coefficient. The proposed data hiding method enables us to control the level of embedding capacity by using a capacity factor. According to our experimental results, our new scheme can achieve an impressively high embedding capacity of around 20% of the compressed image size with little noticeable degradation of image quality.