Pub. online:1 Jan 2018Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 29, Issue 4 (2018), pp. 675–692
The main purpose of this article was to compare traditional binary logistic regression analysis with decision tree analysis for the evaluation of the risk of cardiovascular diseases in adult men living in the city. Patients and methods. In our study, we used data from the Multifactorial Ischemic Heart Disease Prevention Study (MIHDPS). In the MIHDPS study, a random sample of male inhabitants of Kaunas city (Lithuania) aged 40–59 years was examined between 1977 and 1980. We analysed a sample of 5626 men. Taking blood pressure lowering medicine, disability, intermittent claudication, regular smoking, a higher value of the body mass index, systolic blood pressure, age, total serum cholesterol, and walking in winter were associated with a higher probability of ischemic heart disease or cardiovascular diseases. Having more siblings and drinking alcohol were associated with a lower probability of these diseases. The binary logistic regression method showed a very slightly lower level of errors than the decision tree did (the difference between the two methods was 2.04% for ischemic heart disease (IHD) and 2.86% for cardiovascular disease (CVD), but for consumers, the decision tree is easier to understand and interpret the results. Both of these methods are appropriate to analyse cardiovascular disease data.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (2009), pp. 165–172
Recent changes in the intersection of the fields of intelligent systems optimization and statistical learning are surveyed. These changes bring new theoretical and computational challenges to the existing research areas racing from web page mining to computer vision, pattern recognition, financial mathematics, bioinformatics and many other ones.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (2009), pp. 35–50
We tested the ability of humans and machines (data mining techniques) to assign stress to Slovene words. This is a challenging comparison for machines since humans accomplish the task outstandingly even on unknown words without any context. The goal of finding good machine-made models for stress assignment was set by applying new methods and by making use of a known theory about rules for stress assignment in Slovene. The upgraded data mining methods outperformed expert-defined rules on practically all subtasks, thus showing that data mining can more than compete with humans when constructing formal knowledge about stress assignment is concerned. Unfortunately, compared to humans directly, the data mining methods still failed to achieve as good results as humans on assigning stress to unknown words.
Volume 19, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 135–156
Data stream mining has become a novel research topic of growing interest in knowledge discovery. Most proposed algorithms for data stream mining assume that each data block is basically a random sample from a stationary distribution, but many databases available violate this assumption. That is, the class of an instance may change over time, known as concept drift. In this paper, we propose a Sensitive Concept Drift Probing Decision Tree algorithm (SCRIPT), which is based on the statistical X2 test, to handle the concept drift problem on data streams. Compared with the proposed methods, the advantages of SCRIPT include: a) it can avoid unnecessary system cost for stable data streams; b) it can immediately and efficiently corrects original classifier while data streams are instable; c) it is more suitable to the applications in which a sensitive detection of concept drift is required.
Volume 19, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 101–112
This paper studies an adaptive clustering problem. We focus on re-clustering an object set, previously clustered, when the feature set characterizing the objects increases. We propose an adaptive clustering method based on a hierarchical agglomerative approach, Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering (HAC), that adjusts the partitioning into clusters that was established by applying the hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm (HACA) (Han and Kamber, 2001) before the feature set changed. We aim to reach the result more efficiently than running HACA again from scratch on the feature-extended object set. Experiments testing the method's efficiency and a practical distributed systems problem in which the HAC method can be efficiently used (the problem of adaptive horizontal fragmentation in object oriented databases) are also reported.