Pub. online:5 Aug 2022Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 16, Issue 2 (2005), pp. 285–294
Recently, Yang et al. proposed an improvement to Tseng et al.’s protected password changing scheme that can withstand denial of service attack. However, the improved scheme is still susceptible to stolen-verifier attack and denial of service attack. Accordingly, the current paper demonstrates the vulnerability of Yang et al.’s scheme to two simple attacks and presents an improved protected password change scheme to resolve such problems. In contrast to Yang et al.’s protected password changing scheme and the existing password change schemes using server’s public key, the proposed scheme can securely update user passwords without a complicated process and server’s public key.
Volume 31, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 459–479
After Morris and Thompson wrote the first paper on password security in 1979, strict password policies have been enforced to make sure users follow the rules on passwords. Many such policies require users to select and use a system-generated password. The objective of this paper is to analyse the effectiveness of strict password management policies with respect to how users remember system-generated passwords of different textual types – plaintext strings, passphrases, and hybrid graphical-textual PsychoPass passwords. In an experiment, participants were assigned a random string, passphrase, and PsychoPass passwords and had to memorize them. Surprisingly, no one has remembered either the random string or the passphrase, whereas only 10% of the participants remembered their PsychoPass password. The policies where administrators let systems assign passwords to users are not appropriate. Although PsychoPass passwords are easier to remember, the recall rate of any system-assigned password is below the acceptable level. The findings of this study explain that system-assigned strong passwords are inappropriate and put unacceptable memory burden on users.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (2010), pp. 627–637
This paper presents an entire chaos-based biometric remote user authentication scheme on tokens without using passwords. The proposed scheme is based on the chaotic hash function and chaotic pseudo-random number generator to provide secure mutual authentication over an insecure channel between the user and remote server. Compared with the related biometric authentication schemes, the proposed scheme does not require the user password to provide convenience to users. It also does not require time synchronization or delay-time limitations between the user and remote server to resolve time synchronization problems.
Volume 18, Issue 1 (2007), pp. 125–136
A key exchange (or agreement) protocol is designed to allow two entities establishing a session key to encrypt the communication data over an open network. In 1990, Gunther proposed an identity-based key exchange protocol based on the difficulty of computing a discrete logarithm problem. Afterwards, several improved protocols were proposed to reduce the number of communication steps and the communicational cost required by Gunther's protocol. This paper presents an efficient identity-based key exchange protocol based on the difficulty of computing a discrete logarithm problem. As compared with the previously proposed protocols, it has better performance in terms of the computational cost and the communication steps. The proposed key exchange protocol provides implicit key authentication as well as the desired security attributes of an authenticated key exchange protocol.
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2003), pp. 551–558
Recently, Tseng et al. proposed an improvement on Peyravian and Zunic's protected password transmission scheme and protected changing scheme to remove some security flaws. However, as we will point out in this paper, any adversary can intercept the request for changing the password sent by a legal user and modify it with a wrong password. Furthermore, we shall also propose an improved version of their protected password changing scheme to help it out of the trouble.