1 April 2023
1 August 2023
1 September 2023
J.I. Vélez Bedoya has a master’s degree in software project management and development (2011) from the Autónoma University of Manizales in Colombia. He is currently a PhD candidate in systems engineering and informatics at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. He belongs to the Systems and Informatics Department at the University of Caldas, where he is a full time professor since 2017.
M.A. González Bedia is a postdoctoral researcher from University of Sussex (2009), he has a PhD in computer science from the University of Salamanca (Spain). He is a full time professor at the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering of the University of Zaragoza in Spain (since 2008) and also he is a researcher at the Institute of Engineering Research of Aragon (I3A) (since 2012), from 2019 he has been Science and Universities Advisor for the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish government, Deputy Director General of University Research Activity Ministry of Universities of the Spanish government (since 2020) and Director General, Commissioner for the New Language Economy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Spanish government (since 2022).
L.F. Castillo Ossa has a PhD in computer science and automation from University of Salamanca (Spain) and was the dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Caldas (Colombia) from 2014 until 2018 where he also works as professor in the Department of Systems and Informatics. He is the head of the Research Group Artificial Intelligence, senior researcher in MinCiencias. His main lines of research are related to multiagent systems and artificial cognitive systems. He works part-time as a professor in the National University of Colombia, Campus Manizales, professor of doctorate in Cognitive Science Autonomous University, Manizales. He belongs to the Systems and Informatics Department at the University of Caldas where he is a full time professor since 2011.
J. Arango López received his MSc in computational engineering from the University of Caldas in Colombia. He obtained his PhD in electronic science from the University of Cauca in Colombia and PhD in communication and information technologies from the University of Granada in Spain (2019). He is currently full-time professor at the University of Caldas (Colombia) and his research interests are pervasive games, semantic web, artificial intelligence and linked open data.
F. Moreira has a MSc in electronic engineering (1997) and PhD in electronic engineering (2003), both from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto and Habilitation (2018). He has been a member of the Science and Technology Department at Portucalense University since 1992, currently as a full-time professor, and a visiting professor at the University of Porto Business School.