Volume 12, Issue 4 (2001), pp. 585–592
Method of simulation of technological processes of civil engineering companies allows evaluate quality of the organizational variants by multicriterial estimation methods (Zavadskas et al., 1995). Simulation methods allow to design a rational work programme according to the financial, technological and organizational parameters.
It is quite understandable that simulation of work programmes of civil engineering companies will take enormous time even using the latest calculation techniques. Counters often have problems with a big amount of combinations of technological processes. Usually, real programme is restricted in respect of its performance sequences. The latter fact has been taken into account for simulation different combinations and sequences of works included in work programme. It allows to decrease the amount of calculating considerably.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1999): Special Issue on Programming Theory, Information System Engineering, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 71–88
One of the key issues in information systems is to provide a fast and reliable access to data. This is true for conventional databases and information systems as well as for spatial or multimedia ones. Main tools for such aim are indices, among others. Search and reasoning operations using indices and structured data require a specific support on logical and physical level. A years of research have resulted in a great variety of multidimensional data structures and indices (access methods also). This paper overviews recent trends in the area of multidimensional, spatial, temporal indices and data structures, discusses their principles and implementation issues. The special emphasis is given to research, multimedia and spatial information systems.