Cited by 3
Efficient Speed-Up of the Smallest Enclosing Circle Algorithm

Simple and Efficient Acceleration of the Smallest Enclosing Ball for Large Data Sets in $$E^2$$: Analysis and Comparative Results
Vaclav Skala, Matej Cerny, Josef Yassin Saleh
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Computational Science – ICCS 2022) Volume 13350 (2022), p. 720
A New Algorithm for the Closest Pair of Points for Very Large Data Sets Using Exponent Bucketing and Windowing
Vaclav Skala, Alejandro Esteban Martinez, David Esteban Martinez, Fabio Hernandez Moreno
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Computational Science – ICCS 2023) Volume 14074 (2023), p. 381
A New Highly Efficient Preprocessing Algorithm for Convex Hull, Maximum Distance and Minimal Bounding Circle in E2: Efficiency Analysis
Vaclav Skala
Book:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Computational Science – ICCS 2024) Volume 14834 (2024), p. 54