Cited by 4
Causal Modelling in Enterprise Architecture Frameworks

Causal Interactions in Agile Application Development
Saulius Gudas, Karolis Noreika
Journal:  Mathematics Volume 10, Issue 9 (2022), p. 1497
Design cognitive IoT architecture framework for immersive visual technologies of air quality monitoring systems
Mohamed Saifeddine Hadj Sassi, Lamia Chaari Fourati
Journal:  Multimedia Tools and Applications Volume 83, Issue 17 (2023), p. 51615
Pub. online: 10 Dec 2021      Type: Research Article      Open accessOpen Access
Journal:  Informatica Volume 32, Issue 4 (2021), pp. 795–816
How Does the Knowledge Association of Online Travel Reviews Affect Tourism Purchase Behavior? An Empirical Study Based on Knowledge Network Perspective
Zhiping Hou, Benyue Liu, Shengyou Liu, Fangkun Liu
Journal:  Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2024)