Pub. online:1 Jan 2018Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 29, Issue 4 (2018), pp. 609–632
This paper presents an optimization based mathematical modelling approach for a single source single destination crude oil facility location transshipment problem. We began by formulating a mixed-integer nonlinear programming model and use a rolling horizon heuristic to find an optimal location for a storage facility within a restricted continuous region. We next design a hybrid two-stage algorithm that combines judicious facility locations resulting from the proposed model into a previously developed column generation approach. The results indicate that improved overall operational costs can be achieved by strategically determining cost-effective locations of the transshipment facility.
Pub. online:1 Jan 2017Type:Research ArticleOpen Access
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2017), pp. 583–608
This paper presents a column generation-based modelling and solution approach for a teaching assistant workload scheduling problem that arises at academic institutions. A typical weekly workload schedule involves teaching deficiency classes, instructing problem-solving tutorial sessions, and allocating help-hours for students. For this purpose, a mixed-integer programming model that selects valid combinations of weekly schedules from the set of all feasible schedules is formulated. Due to the overwhelming number of variables in this model, an effective column generation procedure is developed. To illustrate the proof-of-concept along with modelling and algorithmic constructs, a case study related to the Department of Mathematics at Kuwait University is addressed. Computational results based on real data indicate that the generated schedules using the proposed model and solution procedure yield improved weekly workloads for teaching assistants in terms of fairness, and achieve enhanced satisfaction levels among assistants, as compared to schedules obtained using ad-hoc manual approaches.
Volume 18, Issue 3 (2007), pp. 325–342
This paper is concerned with an employee scheduling problem involving multiple shifts and work centers, where employees belong to a hierarchy of categories having downward substitutability. An employee at a higher category may perform the duties of an employee at a lower category, but not vice versa. However, a higher category employee receives a higher compensation than a lower category employee. For a given work center, the demand for each category during a given shift is fixed for the weekdays, and may differ from that on weekends. Two objectives need to be achieved: The first is to find a minimum-cost workforce mix of categories of employees that is needed to satisfy specified demand requirements, and the second is to assign the selected employees to shifts and work centers taking into consideration their preferences for shifts, work centers, and off-days. A mixed-integer programming model is initially developed for the problem, based on which a specialized scheduling heuristic is subsequently developed for the problem. Computational results reported reveal that the proposed heuristic determines solutions proven to lie within 92–99% of optimality for a number of realistic test problems.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1992), pp. 524–538
In this paper, we present a new local search algorithm for solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem based on the Kernighan-Lin heuristic for the Graph Partitioning Problem. We also prove that finding a local optimum for the Quadratic Assignment Problem, with the neighborhood structure defined in the algorithm, is PLS-complete. The greatest advantages of the algorithm are its simplicity and speed in generating high quality solutions. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on an IBM 3090 computer with a variety of test problems of dimensions up to 100, including many test problems available in the literature and a new set of test problems with known optimal permutations.