In this section, two experiments using three well known databases were carried out. Both experiments showed the discriminative power incorporated to the fingerprint representation using the proposed approach. The results were measured by using the identification rate obtained for the search of suspects linked to crime scenes. Final results were also shown for each of the latent impressions quality levels specified in the database description (good, bad and ugly).
4.1 Database and Experimental Scenarios
Three experiments were designed for testing the proposal performance. Both experiments were conducted using the NIST27 database, for calculating the accuracy in a latent fingerprint identification scenario. The NIST27 database is integrated by 258 latent impressions and 258 tenprint impressions. Latent impressions were classified by experts in three quality levels: Good, Bad and Ugly. The dataset has one repeated tenprint impression (Mikaelyan and Bigün,
2012), so 257 tenprint impressions were used in this work. For both experiments, the background added was of 27000 and 2000 impressions taken from NIST14 and NIST4 databases, respectively.
The first experiment was performed using the ground true minutiae given in the NIST27 database for both latent and tenprint impressions. For latent impressions, minutiae were edited by experts without seeing their mated fingerprints, while for tenprint impressions, minutiae were automatically extracted and then they were fixed by the experts. After preprocessing steps, in the skeleton image obtained, ridge ending positions and ridge bifurcation positions are displaced with respect to the original fingerprint image. Therefore, edited minutiae were not located on the skeleton fingerprint ridges. Accordingly, a coordinates relocation was needed in order to extract the
$\mathit{DRP}$ points. For this, a correspondence step between edited minutiae and the automatic extracted minutiae was performed. Preprocessing and minutiae extraction processes were carried out using Verifinger 4.2 (Neurotechnology,
2004). When a minutiae pair matched, the edited minutia
$(x,y)$ coordinates were relocated. Minutiae from fingerprint images in NIST14 and NIST4 databases were extracted with Verifinger 4.2 (Neurotechnology,
The second experiment was conducted using the edited minutiae relocated for latent fingerprints and the automatic minutiae extracted with Verifinger 4.2 (Neurotechnology,
2004) for all tenprint impressions. Due to the extraction problems present in this algorithm, the region of interest (
$\mathit{ROI}$) is detected before the features extraction step. The segmentation process was performed using an algorithm developed by our research group.
In the third experiment the rank-1 identification rate for the proposed approach is compared with the rank-1 accuracy reported for other approaches in the state of the art. The features and the database used in each case are also presented.
The proposed matching scheme is used in the experiments. Fingerprint impressions on top of the candidate list using only minutiae and reference point, in addition to those using the proposed features and representation, fall into rank-1 when this scheme is used. The rest of the candidate list is ordered by the similarity score computed by the proposed matching algorithm. Skeleton images for latent fingerprints were provided by the authors of a previous proposal (Jain and Feng,
2011). The minutiae for the relocation step were extracted using Verifinger 4.2 (Neurotechnology,
2004) for both latent and template impressions.
4.2 Matching Accuracy
7(a) and
7(b) show the performance for the current proposal using tenprint edited minutiae and tenprint automatic extracted minutiae, respectively. In both figures, three CMC curves are plotted for representing the identification rate on three different scenarios: i) the matching algorithm presented by Hernández-Palancar
et al. (
2014) using minutiae (Min) and reference point (RP), ii) the current proposal using minutiae (Min), reference point (RP), minutiae projections (Pr) and minutiae extensions (Em) and iii) the current proposal using minutiae (Min), reference point (RP), minutiae projections (Pr), minutiae extensions (Em) and extensions from projections (Ep).

Fig. 7
CMC graphics for manually marked and automatically extracted minutiae from template impressions.
Both experiments showed that the use of $\mathit{DRP}$ points along with the proposed matching scheme outperforms the algorithm using only minutiae and reference points. In the graphics, it can be seen that the rank-1 accuracy is increased when the proposed representation is being used.
Also, it should be noted that the impact of the features and the representation proposed is considerably greater when minutiae are automatically extracted from tenprint impressions. When minutiae are automatically extracted there are more missed or spurious minutiae. This experiment indicates that in a scenario where more problems with the minutiae exist, the distinctive points extracted from ridges add reliable and exclusive information to the representation. This is an important behaviour because minutiae automatically extracted from database impressions is the most probable scenario, due to the large size of templates databases.
For the experimental results, the parameters values for extracting the features were $ec=1$, $pr=1$, $s=39$ and ${\delta _{\mathit{Close}}}=13$. For generating the representation, the parameters values were set as follows: $\epsilon =100$, ${\delta _{\beta }}=20$ and ${\delta _{df}}=0.25$. These were the optimal parameters found and they were experimentally found. The amount of points derived from each minutia is not high because of the small $\mathit{ROI}$ of latent impressions. Therefore, for obtaining neighbourhood representations with similar geometric relations from the same minutia in the query and the template impressions, the group of points in that neighbourhood should not be too large.
When extensions are extracted from both minutiae and projections, better results are reached at the top of the candidate list. However, when extensions are extracted only from minutiae, results become more consistent than in the previous case. This is related with the fact that the negative impact of non-linear distortions in latent impressions increases as the sub-structures size grows.
When edited minutiae for tenprints are used, the extensions of projections have a positive impact at the top of the candidate list, despite the minutiae coordinates relocation. This is because of the features information in this case is more reliable than the automatic process case. When the extraction process is automatic, the preprocessing step errors cause spurious minutiae. Finally, more false positives occur when more points are calculated from those false minutiae.
The accuracy reached using manually marked minutiae and reference point is considerably higher than the accuracy obtained using automatically extracted minutia and reference point. Despite this fact, the identification rate obtained until rank-20 for the candidate list in both cases using the proposed approach is quite similar. This proves the consistency of the proposed algorithm.
8(b) and
8(c) show the identification rates for each of the quality levels separately (good, bad and ugly) for the case of automatically extracted minutiae. The proposed scheme outperforms the accuracy levels obtained by the minutiae and reference point matching algorithm as expected. In these cases, the impact of adding new information besides minutiae and reference point is more visible. This is due to the common errors that have the automatic minutiae extraction algorithms. For the three cases, when no extensions from the projections are used, the results are slightly better. This is caused because when the amount of points increases, more similar triangles between two different impressions are found which implies an increase in the false positive correspondences.

Fig. 8
CMC for latent impressions of good, bad and ugly qualities, with minutiae automatically extracted for tenprint impressions.

Fig. 9
CMC for latent impressions of good, bad and ugly qualities, with minutiae manually marked for tenprint impressions.
9(b) and
9(c) show the identification rates for each of the quality levels for manually marked minutiae. In this case, also by using the
${S_{\mathit{DRP}}}$ the best results are reached. The biggest improvement in accuracy added by the proposed scheme is observed for ugly latent impressions, and the worst performance for minutiae and reference point only is obtained. For these cases, as the edited minutiae are used for tenprint impressions, less errors in minutiae are found. This is why, the accuracy of the algorithm only using minutiae and reference point is better. The performance of the algorithm using or not extensions in projections is similar at the one for the automatically extracted minutiae. But also in these cases, edited minutiae in tenprints have their position moved from ridges, due to the preprocessing steps. Therefore, the represented relationships between the new points and the minutiae in some cases are affected, as can be seen for bad quality latent impressions.
10 shows the scalability of the proposed algorithm when the background impressions amount increases to 313845. Besides the images from NIST27, NIST4 and NIST14 (29257), 284,588 rolled ink impressions from the Cuban AFIS database are added. In the figure, it can be seen how the proposed scheme outperforms the algorithm using minutiae and reference point. Also, a rank-1 comparison between the accuracy obtained for the proposed approach and the rank-1 recognition rate for some reported works is presented in Table
1. Furthermore, the features and the database size used in each case are presented.

Fig. 10
CMC graphic for manually marked minutiae from template impressions, for 313845 impressions as background.
In the case of latent fingerprints, minutiae, due to the low amount presented, have a limit in terms of reliability and identifying value. This is the main reason why other features have to be selected. In this approach a set of features is proposed which can be easily inferred from the interaction with experts. Also, these features add to the representation a high discriminating value. Due to the used representation (linear growth), the matching algorithm still maintains its high efficiency and its ability to be used in real time applications. It can be seen that the accuracy achieved by Jain and Feng (
2011) is higher than the accuracy reached by the proposed approach, but these values are quite close. Besides, the amount of features used by the proposed approach is smaller than (Jain and Feng,
2011) proposal.
Table 1
Rank-1 recognition rate for reported results in NIST27.
Method used |
Features size |
Gallery |
Rank-1 |
(Jain and Feng, 2011) |
Manually marked minutiae, singularities, ridge quality map, ridge flow map, ridge wavelength map and fingerprint skeleton |
29,257 |
74% |
Proposed Approach |
Manually marked minutiae, reference point and $\mathit{DRP}$ points |
29,257 |
70.9% |
(Medina-Pérez et al., 2016) (Cylinder-Codes) |
Manually marked minutiae |
29,257 |
68.6% |
(Medina-Pérez et al., 2016) (m-triplets) |
Manually marked minutiae |
29,257 |
68.2% |
Proposed Approach |
Manually marked minutiae for latent impressions and automatically extracted for templates, reference point and $\mathit{DRP}$ points |
29,257 |
64.34% |
(Medina-Pérez et al., 2016) (NMD) |
Manually marked minutiae |
29,257 |
64.0% |
(Hernández-Palancar et al., 2014) |
Manually marked minutiae and reference point |
29,257 |
59% |
(Paulino et al., 2013) |
Manually marked minutiae and orientation field |
31,998 |
53.5% |
(Jain and Feng, 2011) |
Manually marked minutiae and singularities |
29,257 |
50% |
(Zheng and Yang, 2015) MSCC + MCC |
Manually marked minutiae |
32,062 |
49.2% |
(Zheng and Yang, 2015) MSCC |
Manually marked minutiae |
32,062 |
42.2% |
(Paulino et al., 2010) |
Automatic & manually marked minutiae |
27,258 |
48% |
(Jain and Feng, 2011) |
Manually marked minutiae |
29,257 |
34.9% |